Chapter 11.

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Allie's POV:

Around 3:45am my best friend knocked on the door. I opened it and hugged her. She came inside and said, "Holy shit when did you get so muscular?"

"When you play in the NHL and train with those guys, it just happens." I said laughing

"Well I am going to bed." She said going into my room and laying down. This was normal for us, we always had sleepovers. That's something I love about our friendship, no matter how old we get we will have sleepovers.

The next day, I woke up early for practice as the team got back late last night. I was tying my skates and nobody even looked at me. Tazer said, "We know you weren't sick."

"Okay, well do you all really want to know why I wasn't at hockey? I was on my period and my cramps were so bad. There was so much blood coming out of my vagina and..." I said lying but it worked because all the guys plugged their ears and I shut up. Being the only girl on the team has perks. Like using periods and boobs to get out of things.

Practice went great, I ignored Patrick and he ignored me. We were broken up for good and I think he was dating the same girl he was around Thanksgiving. He dumped her for me and then went back to her...

I showered and was the last one to leave, I thought. Then I saw Patrick there.. He mouthed, "Thank you."
I ignored him carrying my lulu lemon bag, purse and another larger bag full of clothes to my car. I drove home and went inside to find Hanna finishing eating.

"Hey sorry I just got back from practice."

"Not a big deal." She said

"So what should we do?" I asked her

"Well I would love to meet the team before I leave."

"I know, and after the game tomorrow you'll be able to come down to the locker room and meet them."

"Okay, well I have a surprise for you." Hanna said and Luke walked out of my room

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked

"I heard Hanna made it out here so I drove all night and well here I am."

"Get the fuck out of my house." I said opening the door

"Geez, I drove for 9 hours and I don't even get a hello."

"You have ten seconds to leave before I call the cops." I threatened and Luke left

"Damn, what was that all about? I thought you still liked him."

"When we were in Minnesota last I saw him and he kissed me..." I said

"So you don't like him?"

"Nope." I said

"Well come on girl you gotta get a boy toy!" Hanna said

"I know, it's just hard because every guy will just want me because of the whole NHL thing." I said

"Come on, take me to the mall and we'll try to get you a date." Hanna said handing me my purse, keys and jacket.

"Okay." I said walking out to my car

"Damn, Als I love your car."

"Umm thanks.. I actually kinda want a new one but don't want to buy it."

"I totally get it, don't have enough money." She joked

About ten minutes later we were at the mall.

We went to Charlotte Ruse first, then Forever 21. After we went into Pink and Victoria's Secret. We each spent a lot there and we hit a few more stores before we went and got something from Starbucks. Hanna and I went to pay when they told me my coffee had been paid for by the guy who was waiting to talk to me.

"Thanks for paying for my coffee." I said smiling and paying for the persons behind me.

"My names Eric." He said

"Allison, nice to meet you." I smiled

"I was wondering if maybe tonight you wanted to go out to dinner. You can bring your friend."

I looked at Hanna and she gave me the you better say yes eyes.

"Sounds great, where should we meet?" I asked

"Texas Road house at 6pm. See you then." He said and we exchanged numbers

At 5:50pm Hanna and I walked in. I was wearing skinny jeans and a cute long sleeve maroon shirt. Hanna wore leggings, converse and a royal blue shirt. Eric was there at a table with one of his friends who looked decent. After our small introductions we looked at the menu.

The waiter came by and asked what we wanted to drink, Eric said a coke, Hanna wanted a lemonade, Eric's friend Ethan wanted a Mountain Dew and I said a water.

Our food came very fast and a conversation started by Ethan. "Wow, you eat healthy."

"Yeah, I have to sometimes it's hard." I laughed and Ethan said, "Well you should teach Eric how to eat healthy. He can never to say not to chocolate."

"Shut up man." Eric laughed

"Well what's it like being the only woman in the NHL?" Eric asked

"It's an honor and I love it." I responded

"I have a lot of competition, I mean with all those guys." Eric said

"You have nothing to compare yourself to. First of all those guys are like my brothers and I would never date them and it's in my contract I can't."

At that very moment Patrick Kane and some girl walked in. It was the same girl he dated when we kissed at the UC for the first time.

His table was right across from ours and he sat so he could look at me.

"Hey isn't that Patrick Kane?" Eric asked

"Uh yeah it is." I said

"Can I go ask say hi?" Ethan asked

"It looks like he's on a date now.." I replied and that sentence hurt saying

"Listen I'm a huge fan. I've played all my life."

"Okay let's go." I said and we walked over there just the two of us he had a guard with him and he let us by.

"Hey sorry to bother you but would you mind an autograph and picture?" I asked Patrick

"Not at all." He said taking a picture with Ethan and signing a napkin for him.

"Thank you so much." Ethan said to Patrick

"No problem." He said and we went to sit down.

About twenty minutes later we were leaving. Hanna hugged Ethan goodbye and Eric hugged me goodbye and then looked in my eyes and I said, "Kiss me."

He did and I know Patrick saw. The kiss broke and I grabbed his hand and we walked out together.

Hanna and I got into my car and she yelled, "What the hell were you thinking?"

"What do you mean?" I asked

"You freaking kissed him."

"He kissed me. I kinda like him, it sucks you got the hockey player." I said

"Hey I used to play, not all of us make it to the NHL."

"Love you Han." I said laughing as we talked the whole way home.

Please please please comment ideas because I'm running out! Thanks!

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