Chapter 9

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Allie's POV:

We were woken up by a knock on the door at 6am. I shot out of bed, grabbed my clothes and went to the wall on the far side and laid down. Patrick put on pajama pants and a t-shirt fast and opened the door.

Coach Q walked in and asked, "Where is Allison?"

"I don't know." Replied Patrick

"Well she hasn't been in her room all night." Q responded

"I've heard she sleepwalks. I'd for sure check the lobby." Patrick said

Coach left and I quickly put my leggings on. Grabbing the rest of my clothes and kissing Patrick. I ran back to my room and got under the covers. A few minutes later my door was opened and I knew it was coach Q. He left and I texted Patrick

That was WAYYY too close. I love you.

He replied I thought he knew. I love you too.

I went back to bed for two hours and woke up at eight and got ready for our team breakfast. After the team packed everything into the bus and went to start getting ready for our game today. It was only ten in the morning and we got on the ice around 12:30. The team stretched and warmed up together then everyone did their own pre-game routines and we got ready and got on the ice for warm ups.

My family was at the game and was coming down to the locker room after.

The game had started. It was so weird but cool playing my old team. After the first there still was no score. In the second, no score. In the third, no score. Regulation time had ended and it was time for a 3 on 3 over time.

"Okay, Kane, Hastings, and Keith are out first. Then I want Toews, Shaw and Seabrook. We can win this." Coach Q said

I took the face off and won it straight back to Keith, who passed it to Patrick who skated it in the zone. He passed it to me, I went directly back to him and he took a shot. It was blocked by Darcy Kemper and the Wild had a two on one. Crawford made the safe and the puck bounced right to my stick.

I started skating and Patrick came with me while Keith got off the ice and Seabrook came on. We had a two on one - passing back and forth. I had the puck and Dumba committed to me and so did Darcy. I slid the puck across to Patrick who put it in the back of the net. He put his stick up in the air and I hugged him like any guy in the team would. The team joined very fast and we all went to Crawford and said good job. We went to the locker room and Q talked, then I had to have an interview with Patrick about the OT winner and took a few pictures. Then my family came down and got a few pictures together and then out came the Wild players. We took a picture and talked for a while.

After twenty minutes, I went back in the locker room and got undressed, packed my bag and showered. I put on my black dress and heels. I walked back out and said goodbye to my family and headed to the bus.

We went to the airport and flew back home to Chicago. I slept on plane me was woken up in the arms of Tazer.

He carried me all the way to the bus which took us back to the United Center.

Patrick's POV:

I was so jealous that my best friend was carrying my girlfriend and I had to act like I didn't care.

I carried my hockey bag into the United Center and put my clothes bag into my car. I unpacked my bag and was leaving to go home when Tazer stopped me and said, "Dude, Allison is so tiny."

"Why are you telling me?"

"Go pick her up, you could carry her for a whole day." Tazer said

"I could carry you around." I said back

"Hey, Tazer thanks again for letting me sleep." Allison said as she caught up to us

"No problem but you can thank me by telling Patrick he couldn't carry me around all day." Tazer replied

"Kaner you would barely be able to pick him up."

"See!" Tazer mocked like a kid

"How did this even start?" Allie asked

"Tazer said you're fucking light." Patrick said

"And then I dared him to carry you around all day." Tazer said

I laughed and said, "You guys are so weird."

"Did Kaner ever tell you the time he was dating this girl and she passed out in a bar and he went to carry her out but he couldn't even pick her up so he had to call me and I had to carry her out of the bar." Tazer said laughing and Patrick's face turned red and he joined Tazer laughing

"Well I need to go home. I'm exhausted." I said leaving them laughing

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