Chapter 41

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Patrick's POV:

I woke up around 8am and Lauren woke me up. I went downstairs, fed her, and made myself breakfast. I got her dressed and now I had to shower so I laid Lauren in bed with Allie.

Allie got up and played with Lauren while I got ready.

I was picking Tazer and his family up at the airport at noon. At 11:30 I decided to leave and got back at like 1pm.

As soon as Jonny walked in Allie handed me our daughter and she leaped into Tazers arms and he picked her up and spun her around.

"I've missed my 5 foot 4 inch pure bitch." He said to Allie

"And I've missed my 6 foot 2 inch serious captain." She said back

"Okay so.. Mom dad this is obviously Patrick Kane, and then this is Allison Hastings she played for the Hawks but she's also Patrick's fiancé  and this is their daughter and my godchild Lauren Allison Kane." Tazer said taking Lauren from me

"And then this is my dad Bryan and my mom Andreé."

"It's nice to meet you." Andreé said hugging Allie

"Nice to meet you too." Allie replied

After a few hours we were walking around downtown Buffalo and I noticed Lauren had fallen asleep in her stroller. Allie was also acting strange..

I tried to ignore it but something was bothering her.

"Hey, are you okay?" I whispered to her

"I'm fine." She replied and I knew she was lying

We went back to our house and had dinner. Allie quickly fed Lauren and then said, "Sorry, I need to go give Lauren a bath and get her to bed."

Allie got up and went upstairs.

Twenty minutes later I would hear Allie getting Lauren to bed.

Tazer,  his parents and myself all ended up sitting in the couch talking about random stuff but it was fun.

Upstairs I could hear Lauren crying.

About three minutes later Allie came downstairs with Lauren in her arms in a blanket. Allie sat next to me and joined the conversation.

Allie's POV:
"So how old is Lauren now?" Tazer asked

"Four months." Patrick said

"She's so cute." Andreé said

"Of course she is mom, look at her parents."

"Are you implying Patrick's cute?" I asked Tazer

"I'm implying both of her parents playing for the Blackhawks." He said

"I think you called Patrick cute." I said laughing

"I think so too." Andreé said

Lauren was starting to fall asleep but her eyes kept popping open. I got up and put her in her car seat with the small blanket on top, tucked into her and I grabbed my keys. Car rides always helped Lauren fall asleep.

"I'll be back soon. Hopefully this will help her fall asleep." I said picking up the car seat and putting it in the car and I began driving around the neighborhood but then I got bored, so we drove by the rink and Lauren had fallen asleep. I drove back home carried the car seat in with Lauren in it. I handed the car seat off the Patrick who got her in her crib without her waking up.

"I'm so sorry. I keep leaving." I said

"Don't worry you have a baby." Bryan said

A few hours later Jonnys parents went to bed.

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