Chapter 64

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Elevation Worship-'O Come To The Altar'

(Hosanna's POV)

"Is this everyone?" Jax asks me in the garage. 
"Maybe," I say biting my lip. 
"Who are we missing?" Eric questions.
"Ellen, Neil, April, and Jonah," I inform him.
Jax gets on his radio to the control room.  A moment later he gets a response.  "They already left on the train," he informs me. 
"Alright.  I must've forgotten to tell them," I reply biting my lip. 
"Let's go, then," Eric insists.  We climb into the back of a truck, similar to what we rode in patrolling Factionless.  Jax, Sam, and Ava are riding with us along with several guards I don't know.  Mia and Ryan are in a different truck.  My brother is riding with them. 
Ava reaches out and holds my hand, resting her head on my shoulder and closing her eyes.  I notice Sam is staring at her, still in his casual clothes from earlier but carrying a concealed weapon.  He looks to me and I smile at him.  He smiles back. 
"So, I spoke with Pastor Roberts," Jax starts.  I nod.  "He is aware that we'll be joining you for the protection of several leaders and a member but I didn't say anything beyond that.  I told him we'd be joining the Dauntless group, spread out in the building, and at the exits, that we'd be dressed casually but will all be armed for the interest of protection only."
I smile.  "I'll talk to him," I say.  I look at my watch, noticing that we'll be arriving early.  "Did you tell him that everyone who's coming volunteered?" I ask.
"Yes, ma'am," he responds.  I smile even wider at that.  If I know Pastor Roberts, he's probably prepared a special sermon just for our guests. 
We pull into the parking lot just down the street from my church and start to walk across the lovely path surrounded on one side by shade trees, the other has the small creek.  Jax and Eric are on either side of me, with Ava and Sam right behind us.  The rest of the guards are just in front or behind our group.  I look over my shoulder to see Tobias with one of his daily guards as well.  He waves to me and I wave back.  I smile smugly, knowing I get to choose our seats today.  And I plan on sitting in the front row. 
"It's beautiful here," Jax comments.
"You should see it in spring and fall," I say turning to him. 
"Let's hope this threat doesn't last that long," he responds. 
I shrug.  "Who knows?  You might like it here," I tell him.  He chuckles a little. 
We enter the front doors and are greeted kindly.  There are always a few people here.  I introduce those I know and learn the names of my other four guards.  We leave the entrance and enter the sanctuary.  Pastor Roberts is there speaking with a few people.  He smiles and comes up to me. 
"I'm so glad to see you," he says shaking my hand, then Eric's. He asks us about married life and I tell him we're doing well.  I introduce him to Jax since they've only spoken on the phone as far as I'm aware. I explain the current situation, how my mother is alive and leading the Factionless.  He covers his mouth with his hand, quite surprised.
"How do you know it's really her, that she's actually alive?" he asks quietly.
"Tobias and I met with her. It's really her. She wants to see us again. Since she chose to leave us, I'm having trouble with forgiveness and hardness of heart. I'm really struggling with anger, hurt, and resentment," I admit.
He nods his head and puts a hand on my arm. "I'll keep you both in my prayers," he says softly.
My brother enters the sanctuary and he excuses himself to talk with him. Tobias approaches us a minute later. "You told him?" he questions me.
"Of course I did. He needs to know in case something happens and I need prayer anyway," I explain.
He nods and comes to sit beside me. Eric is on my other side and Jax is next to Tobias. Ava and Sam come in a minute later and join us. They must've stopped and talked with a few people. I notice that our other guards are positioning themselves in strategic locations around the room. Tobias's guards do the same. Some come and sit around us though.
Mia and Ryan sit behind us, smiling. "My brother is here," she tells us. "He said that he's going tell my parents and convince them to come and meet my fiancé."
"Isn't he friends with you?" I ask Ryan.
"Yeah, he was one of my best friends growing up. He's already married and has a baby on the way," Ryan tells me.
"What'd he say when he found out you two were getting married?" I ask.
Mia laughs beaming, "He said he knew it. He always knew I had a thing for Ryan and that Ryan had a crush on me." I smile. At least that worked out well.
Ellen and Neil enter with Thomas. I wave them down and they come up to join us. "Sorry, I forgot to tell you we had an escort today," I apologize.
"It's no problem," Ellen responds holding me tightly.
We all take our seats as the service starts.  The music is inspiring and moving as always.  But the message is what gives me the most strength and understanding.  Pastor Roberts speaks about how it doesn't matter how many times we fall, we need to pick ourselves back up and keep trying to do what is right.  He speaks on forgiveness, no matter how many times we've been wronged, that vengeance is not ours and we need to rise above the anger in us and be at peace.  He of course speaks about Jesus and how belief in Him is the only path to salvation.  By the time he reaches the end of his sermon and asks for anyone feeling they need prayer to come forward, I step up immediately and receive help. 
When he finishes praying over me, I turn around to take my seat and notice that most of the Dauntless in the room are at my side receiving prayer at the altar.  I join the team of leaders and pray over my friends.  I watch as so many people I know give their lives to God.  It's by far one of the greatest experiences in my life.  

To Save a City (Divergent/Eric) 2 of 3 COH Series Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant