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I stand besides Harry's body and look down at him. His eyes look tired and weak looking. Just looking into his eyes that are open and staring around makes me emotional.

I brush back the hair on his forehead and let out a deep breath. I press my lips against his cold forehead that is slowly warming up. "Hi," He says. His voice is low sounding as well as scratchy. Just hearing him speak makes my body feel numb and hazy. I haven't heard him speak in so long.

"Hi," I say back. I know my eyes are puffy and red looking. My hand rests on top of his and I let out a deep breath. "C-Can I get you a-anything?" I manage to ask my husband.

"No," He answers. His green eyes look into mine. "I'm tired though,"

"I'm not letting you fall asleep," I say, which makes him chuckle. I can tell he doesn't know how long he's been asleep for, and I'm going to hate to break the news to him. I kiss his cheek and close my eyes against him.

"Can't I take a small nap?" Harry asks me. His hand squeezes mine and his lips touch my forehead.

"No," I mumble selfishly. "I love you," I say.

"I love you more," He says back in a low tone. I break my head off of his hold and just look at Harry who is now awake. Tears start to pile into my eyes, which alarms him. His arms open out to me and I bury my head into his chest and his arms hold me tightly against him. 


I let Harry tap a nap after I let it sink in that he's not dead, like how I thought he was. I kept very close tabs on him though during his nap.

He just woke up from his five hour nap a few moments ago. He's on his side looking at me. Harry moves over on his bed, and pats the open spot he made for me. I don't hesitate to lay beside him.

His arm drapes over my waist and we just look at each other. My eyes are glued onto Harry who I don't want to let out of my sight for a very long time.

"What day is it?" He asks me. His voice sounds more normal now.

"Friday," I answer.

"Damn, I've been knocked out for four days," He chuckles while rubbing his green eyes with his open hand. I bite my lip at his words and close my eyes for a brief moment.

"Yo-You've been in a coma for eight months," I admit to Harry. Silence fills the room instantly, and his face falls and I see the look of sadness go across him.

"W-What?" His voice turns shaky. "Eight m-months?"

"Yeah," I answer. "It's May now," I inform him.

"H-how's that possible? Eve you must be fucking with me," I bite my lower lip and shake my head. His eyes are brimming with tears, as well as mine.

"I wish I was joking," I say in a soft tone. I wipe my eyes and sniffle.

"I-I missed Avery's birthday? And yours? Plus Christmas and Thanksgiving?" Harry asks with sad eyes.

"Y-Yeah," I stammer. "Liam also gave you a kidney," I add.

"Oh my fucking god," His eyes screw shut. "What do you mean he gave me a kidney?" 

"A few months ago, your kidneys were failing," I say in a low voice. I hate remembering what happened this past year. "And um, Liam and Daren got tested to see if their kidneys can work in your body. They both were able too, but they both decided Liam would do it for you," 

"I have one kidney now?" Harry asks me with confused eyes.

"Yes," I answer.

"My God," His head rests on my chest. "Your boobs feel full," He says randomly, which makes me chuckle.

Happily Ever After (sequel to CEO)Where stories live. Discover now