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Eve POV {flashback} 

Harry and I are on our honeymoon. Our honeymoon location is Italy and Paris. We left Paris a few days ago, but now we're in Italy, which is very beautiful. 

I'm standing on the balcony that our hotel room has, and I'm watching the sunset, which is incredible from our room. I took a lot of photos of our honeymoon, which I'm excited to look back on. 

I feel Harry's arms wrap around my waist and his head nuzzles against my neck, which causes me to smile. His lips kiss my neck, causing my eyes to flutter shut. "Isn't the sunset beautiful?" I ask my now husband.

"Eh," He says, which makes me nudge his chest. "I like the view of your ass better," Harry says making me widen my eyes and scoff. I nudge him again, which makes Harry chuckle. 

"Watch the sunset," I say. My eyes look back to the pretty sky that makes me smile. 

After a minute, Harry speaks. "Can we go inside now?" I laugh at his words.

"Why?" I ask while glancing over my shoulder to look at him. "We don't see this everyday," I mention.

"We also don't get to have sex everyday with a two year old, so lets go inside," He says. His lips kiss my cheek then my neck where my sensitive spot lays. 

"Five minutes," I tell him. Harry shrugs behind me and rests his chin on my shoulder. My eyes look back to the sunset that's slowly fading away.

I feel Harry's fingertips play with the hem of my shorts. My head shakes and he giggles behind me. His hands squeeze my butt making me fidget in his hold. "You're such a child," I say through laughter.

"You have a nice butt," He say again with a chuckle. His arms go back to wrapping around my waist, and he huffs impatiently.

Once the sky turns a little darker, and the pretty colors go away, Harry says. "It's been five minutes," 

Without me realizing it, he picks me up from behind and walks back into the hotel room. I laugh in his hold, and he snickers as well. He places me down on our shared mattress and his body fits between my thighs. His hands hold mine and he places them besides my head. His green eyes look into my eyes and I just smile softly.

"How did you manage to pick me up?" I ask. 

"You aren't fat Eve," His eyes narrow at me. Harry pecks my lips quickly. "I've been going to the gym, haven't you noticed?" I grin at his words.

"Yes, I have," I nuzzle my nose against his making him laugh. "You're getting very strong," 

"Shut up," Harry says making me smile. I lean up and peck his pink, glossy lips.

"Your shoulders have gotten broader," I compliment. 

"Thanks," He says while shaking his head.

"Have you noticed my six pack of rolls? They're pretty hot," I joke causing his eyes to roll playfully.

"Yes, they're amazing," His fingers pull down the shorts I'm wearing. His hands cup my cheeks and his lips kiss mine. "I love you Eve," 

"I love you too Mr. Styles," I mock making him snicker evilly and kiss me more roughly.

Eve POV {present}

I'm seated besides my husbands beside, which has become my everyday thing. The room is silent, besides the monitor beeping like always.

My fingers are laced with his cold ones and I just stare at his sleeping self, as I have been for months. "It's been officially eight months since you've been in this coma," I say sadly. "Charlie is two months now, and he looks a lot like you, which is cute. Avery loves him so much, it's amazing. She always loves to hold him and cuddle with him. The other day I walk into the den and see Charlie on her chest, and they're both sleeping. I took a photo of course, but I think it's good that she is getting along with him.

I wish you knew he existed. The last time we spoke, um, when you were awake, was when I didn't know I was pregnant. So um, if you can hear me, which I doubt, you have a son who's currently two months. He's the cutest ball of sunshine, and he needs his Dad. 

Um, anyways, I went to the publishing office a couple days ago and uh, I had to be with the interns for a bit. Some of them are really annoying and dumb. Lately I don't have a high tolerance for anything, so I understand you complain about them. The restaurant is doing amazing as well, you'd be proud of how many people go there now. The shelter is doing good too. We're taking in more animals like bunnies, to attract more people. Other then that, um, nothing exciting as been happening.

Well, besides having Charlie. He's exciting, so is Avery. She made you a birthday card, and it's on your nightstand. She also still has the cupcake she made you months ago. So please wake up so you can read your card and throw out the cupcake. It's starting to weirdly smell," My thumb strokes his knuckles. "I love you Harry. I know I say that every time I'm here, but I do, and I always will. You mean so much to me, and you've done a lot for me. I hope I told you how grateful I was for you often. 

Please open those beautiful green eyes of yours soon. I miss you a lot, and I can't handle another loss," I bite my lower lip and close my eyes. "I really don't want Avery to go through losing you at a young age. Her and Charlie deserve all the happiness in the world, and that means having you in their life,"

I look to the clock on the table beside him and see it's five thirty. I told Avery I'd be home at six. "I have to go now, but I hope you wake up soon," I say while standing up from the chair I was sitting in. I kiss my husbands forehead and brush the curls off of his forehead. "I love you so much, please don't leave me," My eyes start to sting more.

I soon leave the hospital room with a pit in my stomach.


i'm excited for the next chapter hehe

comment goal: 70????

tysm for reading !


Happily Ever After (sequel to CEO)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon