Ch. 100: Your (un?)happy ending [FINAL CHAPTER]

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"Hello there, Y/N". The first words his mouth ever spoke to you. And now, in what seemed to be your final moments, he said them again. You turned around to face the man who had made a gigantic mess of your life, but had also made it so much better.
Dark's face was lit up by the flames that emerged around him. You stared at him, shocked, and scared. "D-Dark... what are you doing? Please, whatever it is, don't hurt anyone..." you stuttered. He stared back at you, not saying anything.
"Dark, please talk to me! We can work this out!" You yell at him.
Mark, Ellen, Sean and Felix watched the scene unfold without being able to do anything, as the flames had surrounded them.
Dark just stares at you again, but then finally started talking.
"Marry me."
"You heard me."
"B-but I-"
"If you don't do it, you and your friends will be left to die. Including Mark."
"That's suicide!"
"If it is what I have to do to get you, it'll be worth it."
"This is not the way love works, Dark!"
"Yes, it is. I love you, and you love me. I've seen it in your eyes, Y/N. I read it in your soul. We love each other, but you marry him. Why?"
"Because I love him!"
"So why don't you marry me?!"
"Because I can't! How am I supposed to get married to a guy that destroyed everything I had? I fell in love with you, yes, but I also fell in love with Mark! And Mark doesn't try to kill others and himself just because he's jealous!"
After you finished yelling, Dark stared at you. He looked broken. He was in pain, that was obvious. Tears were now running down your cheeks. What was supposed to be your perfect day, had become the worst.

You watched and felt the flames surround you and your friends, and you cried out in pain and sadness. Loud screams filled the room, but you couldn't hear them. You couldn't hear anything anymore. You crumbled to little pieces as the flames swallowed you. The smoke filled your lungs, and the echoes of screams were the last thing going through your mind as you slowly fell into your everlasting sleep...

What you are about to read is the 'true ending' of the story. There will be alternate endings and bonuschapter soon!

Your eyes opened slowly.

Am I dead?

What even happened?

Where the hell am I?

You figured you had just traveled to a different dimension again, and you were about to go on another crazy adventure.

But that was not the case.

You looked at your surroundings, and it was all awfully familiar.

You were still in the church.
But you couldn't feel the pain of the flames that surrounded you.

You saw the bodies of your friends on the ground. Their pretty outfits were burnt, crumbled to little pieces. The building was falling apart, but the sounds were very vague, in the background. Dark's own body was gone, but before you could get angry at how he left you, you realized there was another body, in the middle of the room.


But how? I'm right here?

You looked at yourself.

You were dead.

A ghost.

A memory.

A fairytale that wouldn't be told.

And so were your friends.

They were all there.

The ghosts, memories, fairytales of your friends helped you get up. Mark was by your side, not saying anything. And neither did the others. You didn't talk either. You didn't do anything but walk with them.
There were no more tears, no more screams, and no more scars to be left behind on your broken body.

You were calm, as you stepped through the doors into the sunlight. All of your friends and you linked arms, and walked towards it.

Into the sun.

You were relaxed.

All your friends were with you, and it was nice.

You got closer...

Almost there...

And you closed your eyes one final time.


But every fairytale deserves a happy ending, doesn't it?
Fairytales live on in their own universes, and even for stories this sad... there will be a happy ending, going on somewhere else. Maybe only in someone's mind, but does it matter?
Stories never end. There will never be an ending. There will be happy, and there will be sad times, but if it was only happy, the story would become a bit boring, wouldn't it?

Even if everything seems sad right now, you can make it better.

Make your own happy ending.


Wow. Just wow. The final chapter, which is also chapter 100 (which was my goal), AND it's also the one year anniversary of the first chapter, which got published on the 10th of August, 2016! I honestly can't believe how amazing the response to this book has been. I barely expected 100 reads, and now we're on our way to 100K, maybe even a million someday! That's insane. And amazing. And amazingly insane. I didn't know if I was ready to let go of this book yet, but now I know I am. And even though the story has been finished, there'll still be bonuschapters and lots of other stuff for you guys to enjoy reading!

I love every single one of you, and all the amazing things you've done for me. And even if you don't believe in yourself, then you have to know that I do. And if you're depressed, even suicidal, which I know a lot of you are, please remember that even if you think there's no one who cares about you, there will ALWAYS be people who care. Even if you believe that's not true and I really am just talking shit, then please listen. You don't have to stay alive for me, or anyone else if you don't want to, except for yourself. You have a future in front of you, no matter how sad it looks right now. You'll meet someone to share everything with, and live happily ever after, but you have to stay strong, and fight through it. I know you can.

Love, Ellen <3

Oh, and remember! Don't delete the book from your library just yet! Bonuschapters coming sooonnnnnnn....

Pretty little psycho (Mark/Darkiplier x reader) [COMPLETED]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ