Ch. 32: The final act [pt. 1]

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After Dark had left, the maze had started shifting. You walk out of the small open spot in the middle, ready to find your friends. But where do you start? How long do you even have? Then an idea popped up: the pond in the open spot. You walk towards it. If you drink of it, it might show you your friends. You kneel down, take a sip, and the water starts twisting. An image appeared, like you hoped. It was a guy, not very tall. That could be either Sean or Mark. There was a lot of green. Okay, it's Sean. He appeared to be stuck in an small room, not much bigger than his own recording room. He seemed to be freaking out. He was sitting in a corner of the room, hugging his knees and staring at the roof. That was all you could see. He was clearly frightened. You take another sip of the water, but no other images appeared. So you had to look for Sean.

You cluelessly walk through the labyrinth, sometimes crossing another small pond. Turn left, turn right, next one right, and then left again. You were just about to give up when you notice something sticking out above the huge hedges: a wall. A black wall, no windows: like the one from the vision of Sean. The wall seemed to be going in a circle, so you walk around it looking for an entrance: and finding one. A big, heavy, wooden door. You push against it, but you couldn't compare to it's weight. You look around, there might be something that can help you get in. You then remember the stick that you used to get through the hedge: you might be able to use it as a crowbar. You had carried it with you in case it might come in handy, and now it does. You push the pointy side of the stick between the door and the wall, and push. It creaked a little, moved a few centimeters, and then the stick broke. That didn't matter now, you can push it open now. You place yourself against the wall, and push the door with your foot. After a few moments you could fit through, and pushed yourself inside the room. "Y/N? G-get out, now!" The scared voice of the green bean skipped a few times, and he didn't seem to be able to move: the roof was coming down, with not more than a few minutes left before he'd get crushed. Sean was cornered against the wall close to the door. "Not without you, Sean! Come to the door, it will only take a few seconds!" You try to yell over the sound of the roof screeching and creaking. "I can't! My arms and legs are tied, once I get there I'll be crushed!" Sean yells, terrified. "Wait, I'll come and get you!" You yell at him, trying to think clearly. "Wait, Y/N, no!"
But he's too late, you duck under the roof that's quickly lowering, hurrying towards Sean. You wrap your arms around him and pull. You could feel the roof scraping your back and putting more pressure on it, but all you cared about was getting Sean out. Just a few more seconds before you'd have to drop to your knees. You take a quick sprint, and reach the door. You pull out Sean, and in a matter of seconds the roof reaches the floor. You free Sean of the ties and embrace him. "I'm sorry, I haven't gotten to hug anyone in a while..." you tell him. Sean has tears in his eyes and hugs you back. "T-that's okay... T-thank you, Y/N... You were really brave back there..."

"That's what friends are for Sean, that's what friends are for..."

Wow, that was some brave action of yours, Y/N! I'm proud of you! I hope this chapter didn't put too much pressure on you XD anyway, I hope you liked it!
~ Ellen

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