Ch. 38: Relax

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You and the others decide to do something fun and relaxing today for a change. Mark's videos weren't going to be delayed as he prepared some earlier. He smiles at you. "So guys, what's the plan?" Ellen asks. "The local amusement park is open. And it's wednesday, so there won't be a lot of guests. We can go there if you guys want?" Mark says. "Fine with me" Felix says. Ellen and Sean just responded with a loud "YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS". You walk up to Mark, giving him a hug. "I'd love to" you tell him, smiling. He smiles back. "Let's go then!" He says, hugging you back. After that you all get into Mark's car. This day is going to be the best!

You and the others arrived at the amusement park quickly, and before you even had time to get out of the car Sean had already beat Ellen in a battle of 'who will reach the entrance first'. Mark walked besides you on the way to the entrance. You smile at him, and he gives you a cute grin in return. His hair was on maximum floof mode today which made him look extremely adorable. The sun was shining, and you were happy. For the first time since you had met these amazing people, you didn't have to stress or fight for your life. It was calm and fun.

After have been in the same rollercoaster for five times in a row, you and the others decide to get lunch at one of the many restaurants in the park. The restaurant you went to had some great hamburgers and fries, and after that you went to the next ride. "I say we go to that one rollercoaster over there. They say it's the coolest one here!" Ellen says excitedly. Sean nodded his head spastically in agreement. "And after that the haunted mansion!" Felix yells. "Sounds cool. What about you Y/N?" Mark asks. "Let's do all of that! And after that we should go to that one water ride thingy!" You tell them, happy to be able to spend some good time with the others.

The rides were all equally exciting, the snacks were tasty, and the haunted mansion had apparently literally scared someone to death once. Great. It was going to be the last ride for the day, and you and the others were standing in line. "Are you scaaaared Y/N?" Ellen teased. "Nope! Haunted mansions are fun!" You tell them, yet the sight of the old looking, HUGE,  building did send the shivers down your spine. But hey, that's the point of it, right? Then the door opened. The guests could enter. As you walked in there was a long hallway, with slow moving rollercoaster chair thingies on both sides (one to enter and one to get out of the ride). Weirdly enough, there was no one getting out of the ride, like there had been no one at all. You shrug. 'They must have gotten out before we got here', you think. Mark held your hand, smiling at you. You squeezed it lightly, before you and him enter a cart on the ride, having the other three in the cart behind you.

The carts moved forward slowly, and took you into the darkness...

Pretty little psycho (Mark/Darkiplier x reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now