Ch. 46: Shots fired.

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I recommend listening to the song above while reading this :D it's really good and I thought it was quite fitting :)

Every day, every night, Dark was there for you. Comforted you when you were sad.
You and him had gotten very close, but confirming a relationship... You couldn't just go out there and tell the world you had made out multiple times with the demon version of your crush now, could you?

One day you were walking up the stairs to see Dark. You were excited every time you went to go see him, as the butterflies fluttered around your stomache. Actually, no, forget the butterflies, you basically felt an entire zoo stomping around!

So, as I was saying, you were walking up the stairs, when you suddenly heard someone behind you. "Ahem, Y/N, I don't want to be rude, but where are you going every day? You go upstairs and return hours later... Are you okay?"
It was Mark. Your happiness faded and you turned around to see him standing at the bottom of the stairs. You felt anger, sadness, and pain rushing through your veins, until the realization hit you that Mark didn't mean to hurt you. He just did because he was having fun with someone he liked, but you didn't. You realized he wasn't being selfish, or mean. He was just having a fun time, even if that meant being kissed by that goddamn slut named Katie. You look at Mark, tears burning in your eyes. He walked up to you, wrapped his arms around you and hugged you. "Y/N... What happened? And be honest with me..." Mark said. You hugged him back, even though you still were mad at Katie, he couldn't help it. "I-I... It's my fault, that's all..." you say, not wanting to tell him the things you'd been doing the past days. It was a secret between you and Dark, but inside you was the urge to tell Mark everything so you could make up with him and maybe even get Katie out. Mark cupped your cheeks and looked in your eyes. "Whatever happened, I'm sure you're not the one to blame." Jezus christ he really doesn't get it, does he? "You're a wonderful person  Y/N, and you know I care about you. You can tell me anything..."
"It's just that... You and Katie... You two look so happy together and I thought... I thought you didn't want me anymore..." you say in between sobs. Mark looked hurt, as if you had just stabbed him. His face went pale, his eyes rolled back as his hands fell off your face, and he tumbled backwards off the steps, to reveal Katie.
Holding a gun.
Pointed at you.


This idea randomly came up to me and I was like 'oh yas let's do this bitchaz' XD

I feel like people are starting to like my books less and less and I'm a terrible author rip

Pretty little psycho (Mark/Darkiplier x reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now