Quitting (part 2)

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Hey guys, sorry for still not uploading new chapters.

I'm still not sure what I'm going to do with this book, but I know I'm not gonna reach the 100 chapter goal I had set for myself...
I don't know yet if I'm going to leave, we'll all have to wait and see.
I have been feeling a bit odd lately. I just can't get fun out of basic things I liked. Watching youtube videos, drawing, making videos for youtube, just, anything of the stuff I used to do all the time. And I don't know what I want. I know it sounds stupid, but at the moment I can only feel joy when I just sit down in a warm blanket and my pyjamas, just leave my mind blank, and watch some random Doctor Who videos. School stresses me the fuck out (even tho it's only 10 more weeks 'till the summer holiday) and I'm constantly worrying about it. If I'm going to continue writing this book, it will take a while, and I'm not sure if I'm going to at all. I might make the last 'final act' chapter and leave there and then, or I could just take a break, but I don't think it'll work.

Again, I'm really sorry it has to go this way, and I want you guys to know you are all amazing and without you I wouldn't even have gotten this far. Like, almost 25K reads... That's incredible.

I enjoyed being here with all of you, you're all fantastic <3

Again, don't worry, I'll leave the book here and my account, just in case I'll come back and just in case you guys still want to read it. I deleted my other works since I didn't like them, and neither did anyone else.

I'll see you (maybe) in the next chapter!
Love, Ellen

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