Ch. 70: Don't blink.

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The statue had it's stone eyes fixed on you. And you stared right back. "Don't blink. Don't even blink. Blink and you're dead. They are fast, faster than you could believe! Don't look away, don't turn your back, and don't. Blink." You said out loud, quoting the Tenth Doctor. "Uhm, guys, there is another one!" Rebecca yelled. Even she seemed scared for once. "Keep looking at them! As long as you keep looking, they can't move!" Loryn said, trying to stay calm.

But no matter how calm all of you tried to be, and no matter how much you tried to keep your eyes open, more and more Weeping Angels started appearing. "What do we do?! I don't have enough eyes for this shit!" Rebecca freaked out.
Your eyes were glued to the stone statue that was hiding in between two trees. As if the 'no blinking' part wasn't hard enough, the screams of the others were freaking you out, causing you to want to cry. "We need to get out of here!" Charlie yelled. "How? They are everywhere!" Rebecca yelled back.

"I know how. I let them catch me."

Everyone was quiet to let what Jupiter had said sink in. "No way! We're going to need your shooting skills on the way!" Loryn yelled back.
"I'll do it." Thoran then said. "All of you are still important to this story. My work is done. I'll let them take me so you guys can run."
"Thoran..." Loryn whispered. "You're my brother!"
"I know. And that means I need to be there for you when you need me."
Before anyone could protest, he closed his eyes and yelled: "RUN!"
Your legs started moving, quicker than they'd ever done. Jupiter grabbed Loryn and carried her with him, away from her brother.
You looked around one last time, and saw the angels standing in a circle, around the place where Thoran had stood seconds ago.

After running for what seemed like hours, the group stopped. Loryn let herself fall to the ground and cried. Jonathan tried to comfort her, but her tears wouldn't stop falling. That was until a voice suddenly made her look up.

"Loryn... it's been quite a while..."

Everyone looked up at an old man, who was obviously on the edge of dying. But why was he here? And that's when you realized that this man had been the same person you saw being zapped back in time moments ago. The old man was Thoran.
His legs gave up and he fell to the ground. As he hit the cold grass, a raspy groan escaped his mouth. Loryn realized just like you that her brother was alive. Old and dying, but alive. She sat down next to him, her usually flowing dress all ruffled up. "Don't you dare die in front of me twice on one day..." she spoke, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Loryn... You beautiful young girl... It's been a lifetime since I saw you... quite literally..." Thoran chuckled and then coughed. "I missed you loads... I saw you guys arrive on the islands, the young me... I travelled back to the woods, even though the Woodland Castle was a lot smaller than it is now... I couldn't show myself of course... I had to see you one last time before I died, and I knew you were going to be here..." he spoke softly. "Don't worry... I've lived happily... I married a gorgeous woman, Annabeth, and now I can die in peace..."
"Shouldn't he just wake up again? We're on Las Islas de Los Muertos!" Rebecca whispered to Charlie. "No, when you die here, you're dead forever..."
Loryn wrapped her arms around the body of her brother as he breathed out his last few breaths. "Thoran... please... Wake up, you can still do this!" Loryn hopelessly said. "Do what must be done, Loryn... I know you can..." Thoran said before closing his eyes. His body weakened and now loosely hung in Loryn's arms. "No... No, Thoran, please!" She cried out. She had lost her brother twice today. Her head buried itself in te crook of his neck, sobbing uncontrollably as Thoran's soul left his body.

I was almost crying while writing this wth

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