Ch. 76: Comfort

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You were broken. Again.

You were alone, sitting in the attic, and Dark hated you. Were you really that bad?

You sat in the corner of the room, sobbing uncontrollably, until all of a sudden Mark walked in. "Y/N? What are you doing here? We were looking for you!"
You looked up with puffy eyes and tear stains on your cheeks, to which Mark responded with a shocked, worried look. "Y/N... what's wrong?"
"I-I... I can't tell you..."
"You can tell me anything."
"You'd hate me if I did."
"I could never hate you, even if I wanted to."
You look him in the eyes before talking again.
"He hates me..."
"Dark hates everyone!"
"Yes, but for a moment I thought me and him... you know... had something..."
"How the hell do you even think that? Dark has never loved anyone. Just fucked them until they couldn't walk for a week, but never loved really loved."
"That's the thing... he said he did love me... he comforted me when you were hanging out with Katie, and now he thinks I betrayed him by going to the Fairytale Dimension to save you, and not him..."
"Forget him... he's not worth you at all..."
"I'm not sure if I'm even worth anyone..."
"Why? You risked your life multiple times to save your best friends! You are worth anything."
He helped you get up from the spot you were sitting, and before you could do anything, he kissed you. It wasn't a rough kiss, like Dark always gave you, but a gentle, passionate one. And might I add, the first proper kiss you had with him.

As you two pulled away from each other for air, you stared into each other's eyes, until you heard something at the entrance of the attic.
"This is soooo going up on instagram" Amy said, with Kathryn laughing next to her.

You and Mark had forgotten they were in the room next to the entrance to the attic and had heard everything, and apperantly they had recorded everything. Mark laughed, but you were blushing like crazy. What will his fans think of you?

"Y/N? You know I was kidding, right?" You heard Amy say. The others had been staring at you as you had blacked out for a second. "O-oh yeah, of course!" You laughed nervously, before walking downstairs again with Mark.


Short A/N: Please comment if I should keep up the Ethan x Ellen in this book? 'Cause y'all seem to like it but I want to know for sure!

When you and Mark arrived downstairs again, Ethan and Ellen were still racing on 200cc of Mario Kart 8.

"This is unfair! I've only played the DS, 3DS and Wii version of this game! You can't just throw a completely new game at me and say that when I lose you get to choose what we do next!" You heard Ellen yell at Ethan.
"Of course I can! And what we're going to do next... is record a truth or dare video with our fans for our channels!"
"Fine. As long as I don't have to do anything weird."
"Truth or dare is always about doing weird things, Ellen! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"
"Shut up Ethan. Let's just go record that video."


Pretty little psycho (Mark/Darkiplier x reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now