Shipping my characters? (CONTEST-ISH)

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Hey guys! I had this really funny idea and idk if y'all like it but if you do you should definetly tell me!

The idea is that I'm hosting a small contest for you guys (with a cool prize o course!).
Every person who is able to write a one-shot of two or more characters that have appeared in this book, gets it featured as a bonus chapter once this book is finished! It'll serve as a bit more entertainment for the fans that have finished reading this, and of course I'll give everyone who does this credit for their chapter, so it'll serve as shoutouts too!

The rules:
1. Has to be about at least one character that has appeared in this book.
2. Characters that have only been in the book for a short time can be shipped with bigger characters. For example: Dark x Anti, Ellen x Ethan (he was in the Cringemas chapter), and even the 'Thing' x reader, if that's what you want!
3. The genre of the book doesn't matter. You can write an extremely dirty smut for all I care XD
4. EVERYONE who writes a chapter gets featured.
5. This contest doesn't really end I guess. You can participate whenever you want! I'll try to keep track of all the people that want to get a chapter featured.
6. If you made a chapter, tell me in the comments!

Good luck and much love, Ellen ❤️

Y'all better ship me with Ethan cause I love him ok thanks

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