Ch. 96: Shopping

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It was the next morning, and you still couldn't believe it. You were going to get married to Markiplier. Holy shit.

Ellen had offered to go shopping with you to look for a wedding dress, et cetera, so that was what you were going to do today.

As you sat in the car on the way to the shopping mall, you couldn't help but excitedly talk about all your plans with Ellen. Thankfully, she was just as excited about your marriage as you were.
"It was so cute, the way he proposed to you!"
"I knowwwww I'm so happy!"
"And, are you planning on having a kid as well?"
"I dunno, I'll probably wait a few more years for that."
"Can I be it's aunt?"
"But you're neither me or Mark's sister?"
"I know, but I want to be called auntie Ellen."
"Why don't you and Ethan have kids in a few years then?"
"I hate little kids tbh. But as long as they're you and Mark's, they can't be stupid."
"Wow. But if you hate little kids, why are you dating Ethan?"
"Touché, Y/N. Touché."
You and Ellen burst out into laughter as you arrived at the shopping mall, and just as you were about to walk to the first shop Ellen stood still as if she had remembered something all of a sudden. "Oh my god. Y/N. I just had the fucking best idea ever." She said, excitedly running towards you. "Okay, so listen up. You know I'm pretty good at drawing and designing, yeah?" She asked you. You nodded, unsure what she was on about. "Can I PLEASE design a dress for you?" She asked hopefully. You immediatly said 'yes', as you just knew she'd design something awesome. Ellen hugged you. "THANK YOU Y/N YOU ARE THE FLIPPIN' BEST! Now I need my sketchbook..." she said before pulling a few pencils and a tiny sketchbook out of her pocket. "Okay, Y/N, now I need some basic information. What's your favorite color? Is there a specific length of the dress you would like? Do you want a flower crown as well?" She asked, bombarding you with questions, and you answered all of them. Ellen quickly sketched a design and showed it to you. It was a long, white dress, made of a sparkly fabric, with an equally sparkly ribbon in a pastel version of your favourite color tied around the waist. Next to the drawing was a small text with some information about the dress. Ellen told you about the sparkly kind of fabric she had saved for a special occassion, and she wanted to use it for this, and some more details about the design of the dress.
As she kept talking, you suddenly heard a friendly, familiar voice calling out your name. You turned around and saw whose voice it was: Loryn, and she had Jonathan by her side. She smiled happily as she walked over to you. "Hey Y/N, hey Ellen! What are you doing here?" She asked. "Mark proposed to me! And now we're planning stuff for the wedding." You say excitedly. Loryn made a squeeking noise before hugging you. "Congratulations! Me and Jonathan are here for something different, but it's a surprise!" Loryn said, and she seemed to be hiding something behind her back. She whispered something to Jonathan before running to the public toilets a few meters away from her. "What was that about?" Ellen asked Jonathan. He smiled.

"We'll find out in a few minutes..."

Woooo I think you guys can guess what is happening!

Love, Ellen

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