Ch. 17: Five Nights at Marki's night 3

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Before I start the chapter, I just want to say that I wanna change the name Hellicorn to something less stupid but Idk what XD
Edit: Thanks to the person who came up with the name Eclipsacorn!

~no pov~
It was still early in the morning when you, Ellen and Mark went to the hospital. You and Ellen waited while doctors were trying to find out what was wrong with Mark. After what seemed like ages, a nurse walked to you. "You're friends of Mark Fischback right?" She said. Ellen snickered. "It's, uh, Fischbach, miss" you say to the nurse, while Ellen tried her best not to burst out in laughter. "Oh, I'm sorry. You two might want to say your goodbyes to him..." the nurse said. You and Ellen look at each other, shocked. "W-wait... He's gonna die?" You ask, holding back your tears. "Well, he's gonna have to go home. The doctors found something in his stomache, some fiery orb, and if it doesn't get removed within three days, he might, indeed, die." The nurse said. "They haven't figured out how to remove it yet, tho. They have never seen something like this before. They need a really strong energy." She added. "A really strong energy? Like what?" Ellen said, trying to stay calm. "They said a really strong energy could make the orb dissappear. That's all I know, it's really vague." The nurse said. "So, do you guys want to come to see him?" She then asked again. "Well, DUH!" Ellen said, already rushing through the door. You flashed a half smile at the nurse, who nodded and followed Ellen.

As you walk into the room, you see Mark laying in a hospital bed. Ellen was sitting next to him, tears in her eyes. You run to Mark. "Oh my god Mark... Are you okay?" You ask. 'As if that isn't the most useless, stupid question to ask right now...' You think. Mark smiled at you. "I'm glad you're here y/n..." he said. In the corner of your eye you saw Ellen twitch. 'What's going on there..?' You walk towards Mark, who was still smiling at you. "What do I do, Mark? If we don't get rid of that orb you will die..." you say, trying to hold back the tears. "It's okay, y/n... At least I have you here, and if I'm dead, Dark won't be able to get back either..." Mark said, smiling, but tears rolling down his cheeks. "Come on, we have to get some rest at home. I have a funny feeling Hellicorn isn't gonna let us have a peaceful nap tonight..." Ellen said, trying to make you and Mark stop being emotional (that's literally what I would do irl just because I hate emotional shit XD). Mark got up from the bed, following Ellen to the exit. You follow the others, still thinking. 'What are we gonna do if Mark dies?' His fans would cry, you would be extremely depressed, and knowing Ellen, she would probably try to get him alive again with whatever she could.

After a nap it was around 3PM, and you and the others started preparing for Hellicorn's attack. Ellen was in the bathroom, refusing to get out. "It's safer for you guys!" She yelled every single time you and Mark were trying to get her out. "But if you are here with us we might be able to prevent you from getting taken by Hellicorn!" Mark said. "Me being taken would probably be for the best..." Ellen sighed. "If you don't get out here we'll eat your cookies!" You yelled. There was silence on the other side of the door. Then it slowly opened. "No one. NO ONE. Touches MY cookies!" Ellen yelled, almost her old cheerful self again. You and Mark smiled at each other. "If we can just keep you happy, Eclipsacorn won't come!" Mark said to Ellen. "Hmm... True, but it'll be hard to keep me happy... Eclipse will do whatever she can to get me mad, or sad..." Ellen said sadly. "It'll be fine, out of all of us you are the most prepared for these attacks! We'll fight Eclipsacorn!" You say, trying to cheer up Ellen. "I guess you're right..." she said.

~Ellen's pov, brought to you by the cookies~
I look at Mark. He looks happy with y/n, yet I can't accept it. I've loved him for as long as I've known him, I can't let this girl, who's practically a stranger to him, be his true love forever! I have to get rid of her...

~Eclipsacorn breaking the fourth wall~
Ellen is not easy to get a hold of, but I did it... She thinks it's her own idea to get rid of Y/n, yet, it's all me of course. She's way too cheerful to do that herself. Oh, well, she's under my control now... Let's see how much damage we can do!

~Back to no pov~
Everyone had returned to the furniture fort, yet there was something off about Ellen. Her make-up seemed to be getting smudged out over her face, just like when Eclipsacorn last visited. You and Mark just thought (and hoped) it just was because Eclipsacorn was planning to attack, but couldn't because you and the others had strong weapons. What was really happening, was that Eclipse was getting more control of Ellen's body every minute. It wouldn't take much longer...

It was around 11PM when the lights suddenly started flickering. "It's time..." Mark stated the obvious. You and him backed away from Ellen who was slowly transforming. Her eyes, that had been blue and sparkly, were now a dark red. The girl, who had now become Eclipsacorn, grinned, revealing sharp, vampire-like teeth. "Mark? You have five seconds to leave this room~" the demon said. Mark stood up, not to run, but grabbed his sword. "Oh, really Mark? Do you realise that if you kill me, you kill Ellen too? I'm in control of her body instead of having my own like the other demons... If you kill me, Ellen will die." Eclipse laughed. Mark looked at you with a scared expression. "It's okay Mark... If I do what she says, no one dies..." you said to comfort him, tears filling your eyes. He hesitated, but then put away the sword and walked out of the room. "You stupid little girl... Do you have any idea how much you've hurt Ellen by loving Mark? And now he loves you too..." Eclipse said, clearly mad. "We suffered, and now you will suffer..." she smiled as she said the last words. "S-she said it was okay! She wouldn't hurt me... Right?" You tried to defend yourself. "Don't be stupid. She was breaking down! And no, she wouldn't hurt you... But I would." Eclipse said, before grabbing your neck, trying to strangle you. You started breathing heavily, trying to escape the demon's grip. 'What if I try to hurt her without actually killing her?' You thought, and grabbed your sharp knives from the table behind you. You stabbed Eclipse in the arm she was trying to strangle you with, and the demon screamed loudly. A bright red light appeared, coming from inside her. She slowly faded away, leaving a crying, wounded Ellen on the ground. She looked at you. "Oh y/n... I am s-so... So sorry..." she said, her make-up still smudged out on her face. Mark walked back in, relieved that Eclipsacorn was gone and you were okay. Then he noticed Ellen on the ground. "Oh my god... What happened?" He asked, taking off his shirt and wrapping it around Ellen's arm as a bandage (I wish lmao). "When you left, Eclipse tried to attack me, so I stabbed her in the arm, and now Ellen is hurt..." you said. "We'll go to the hospital again. Maybe the doctors also found a way to remove the orb" Mark said. "That's a good idea, let's go!"

Well shit. This is the longest chapter I've ever written XD
Do you guys like me as a character in the story? Probably not :')
Thank you for still reading, and I'll see you in the next chapter! Buh-byee!

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