Ch. 85: Make him lose

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You looked at Mark. If he doesn't even know what to do, then who does?
He looked back at you, worried about what was going to happen.
You had to take another moment before talking again.
"O-okay... so... you know how to shut off Google, right? How do we do that?" You asked.
"Ask him questions until he can't keep up anymore, and he'll break down. Or ask him something he can't possibly know the answer to." Mark said. "His primary objective is to answer any question as quickly as possible, so if he doesn't know the answer, he'll automatically shut down." He added. You smiled mischievously. You had some questions in mind that Google might have a hard time figuring out.

"Okay, so, we know how to shut off Google, but then there's another problem. Wilford. He is, unlike Dark, completely heartless. Dark is just a perverted asshole. Wilford is merciless." Mark said. "So... How do you stop him? Have you done it before?" You asked him. "Well, I've had occassions on which me and him didn't really agree with each other, but he's never really tried to kill me... except for that one time he interviewed me. He just kept on stabbing. Thank god my friends were around and got me to the hospital before I was completely... y'know... dead..." Mark sighed. "He stabbed you? Not even caring what could happen?" You asked him. "Wilford isn't exactly like Dark. He is his own being. That means, if I die, he still lives. Me and him have never been really close..." Mark answered. "How did all these guys come to be anyway? Where did they all come from?" You asked, hoping you didn't annoy Mark with your questions. "Uh... well, it's all been different... But all of them were just, kinda there all of a sudden, and only appear regularely. Dark is just my demon side, which you know of course. Everyone has a demon side, but unless you're a YouTuber that's stuck with them in your videos, you'll most likely forget any encounters with your own demons." Mark said. He wasn't wrong. You had forgotten the time you had fought your own demon side, yet everyone knew it happened.

"Okay... so. Wilford. What do we do about him?" You asked, getting back to the subject.
"Did someone say Wilford? As in, Warfstache?" Ellen suddenly walked in, with Ethan right behind her. "Yeah..." you mumbled. "He's a tricky one, ain't he? BUT, I have a fantastic idea, as always." Ellen said. "Suuure, everyone believes that" Ethan laughed. "SHUT UP." Ellen rolled her eyes as Ethan tried to tickle her. "Sorry mate, but you're going to have to try harder tha-" she cut off herself by suddenly bursting into laughter. Ethan had found the right tickling spot. "N-NO ETHAN. STOP. WE'RE IN REAL DANGER."
"Aww you're adorable when you're helpless!"
At Ellen's not-so-serious outburst Ethan stopped tickling, but he left his arms around her waist and rested his head in the crook of her neck.
"Jeez, when are you two going to start dating?" Sean asked, poking his head through the doorway yet again. Ellen blushed as Ethan laughed cutely, arms still around Ellen's waist. "Have you guys fucked yet?" Sean asked. Ellen started blushing even more and hid her face in Ethan's chest, in an attempt to not be seen blushing, which failed. "Dude." Ethan looked at Sean, before starting to whisper into Ellen's ear. "Just tell them your plan. I'll make sure no one talks until you're done talking, okay? Besides, you look adorable when you're blushing!" A-anyway..." Ellen turned around again and started a sentence. "I know- or at least, I think I know how to defeat Wilford." She took a deep breath before going on. "We know what the differences between Dark and him are. Wilford is merciless, heartless, and a pervert, and Dark is a horny jerk that doesn't hesitate on murdering people if it helps his cause. He uses others." She said. "How do you stop someone that only wants to win everything from other people?" she smirked.

"You make him lose."

Hey y'all :'3
I'm so happy with the amount of reads this stupid thing had gotten! Like, it was around 72K as I wrote this! That's insanity!

Maybe it'll reach 1 million someday.

Love, Ellen.

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