Ch. 78: Horror story

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Dark walked back through the darkness of the night. He was confused, sad, but he knew one thing. He wanted you back.

At Mark's house everyone decided to go to sleep, as it was 3 AM already. The old inflatable matresses were still there, just like they were when you had just arrived. Amy, Kathryn, Bob and Wade went back to all their houses/hotels, and you, Mark, Sean, Felix, Ellen, and now Ethan as well, stayed back at Mark's house.
When only you six were left, Mark came up with a cool idea.
"How about we tell ghost stories to each other?", he asked.
"I dunno, maybe Ethan will get scared.", Ellen teased the blue boi.
"Maybe you should hold him then ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).", Felix laughed.
"Yeah, maybe you should" Ethan teased back.
"Shut up."
"Make me. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"
"Are you kidding me"
"C'mere you blue goof" Ellen started laughing now, leaning against Ethan, who was sitting next to her.
"Jeez, get a room."
"Shut up Sean."
"So, ghost stories or what?" Mark asked, chuckling.
"Sure!", you said, excited to hear what stories Mark knew.
"Okay... this is the story of when I first met Dark: my own demon side. I mean, that's creepy enough right?"
Everyone nodded, and Ellen scooted a bit closer to Ethan.
"Okay... the first time I met Dark was very scary. It happened a few years ago when I was recording a video, I believe it was June 19, 2012. It was dark and stormy, so perfect for recording a horror game. All off a sudden I didn't feel like myself anymore. I heard breathing behind me, but I couldn't move to see what it was. I couldn't even blink. All I could do was stare at the camera and wait. Nothing happened, so when I suddenly was able to move again, I thought I just blanked out, and recorded a video anyway. But later, when I uploaded the video, I noticed another video had been uploaded on my channel, called 'don't blink'. I was very confused, so I watched the video, and saw myself staring at the camera. With something, or rather, someone, behind me. Myself. But a creepy version of me. And that was Dark. I tried deleting the video, but nothing worked, and since then it has been on my channel."

Everyone stared at Mark in horror. And not just because of the story. What nobody had noticed as Mark was talking, was the fact that it had gotten very dark in the room. And behind Mark you could see only the face of the man you loved, but also feared more than anything.


Yes, 'don't blink' is really the first video on Mark's channel that includes Dark. I thought it was really cool, so this is kinda dedicated to that!

Love, Ellen

Ps: should I keep up the Crankicorn shipping?

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