Ch. 71: Trade

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Loryn was broken.
Completely broken.
All that time she had witnessed and gone through horrible things to help you and stayed calm.
But this was it.
Her breaking point.
Everyone has a breaking point, and her's had been reached.
As she sat there, in the high grass, over the body of her brother.

And it was the saddest thing you had ever seen. All of a sudden a tingly feeling came over you. You looked up, and all around you were fireflies, lighting up that small place in the forest. Thoran's body started glowing a shiny gold colour, and rose from the ground. Loryn looked at it in shock. The body was hovering a few inches above the ground now, glowing brightly. All off a sudden the body burst into energy, and everyone had to look away not to be blinded by the light.

When you looked back at the body on the ground the person laying there was no longer Thoran.

It was Felix.

"Urghh... What happened?" He groaned.

You were completely taken by surprise. How was Felix here? Where did Thoran go?

"Y/N?! HOLY SHIT! I didn't think I'd ever see you again! What happened? Who are these people?" Felix asked you.

You stared at him, still not believing it was actually Felix.

"Felix... oh my god..."

You ran up to him and wrapped your arms around his neck. He hugged you back, completely surprised that he was even alive.

"B-but how?" You mumbled, not sure what to say.

Charlie suddenly spoke up. "I think the Flame is giving us back your friends. But with a price. That price being you only get your friends back when one of us dies."

Loryn was still in shock of everything that had just happened and just stared at you. "B-but my brother!"

"He's in Heaven now, hun..." Jonathan said, slightly comforting her.

Rebecca decided to say something as well. "I think Charlie is right for once. We have to make a trade. A trade of lives."

So yeah a short chapter since my wifi is going to die in a few minutes
Love, Ellen

Ps: I love the bonus chapters you guys are sending me, so keep 'm coming! I promise I'll publish every single one of them once this book is done, and of course I'll credit y'all, so tell me if you have one!

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