Juke Jam

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'First game of the year'. That's all anyone could talk about these past three weeks. Girls squealed, guys chanted, and professors went light on course work. Basketball is a big deal around here and I could see why, Duke had a good team and could possibly go all the way. With a slight push to the bridge of my glasses, I dug my head further into my four hundred dollar text book.

"Hey!" A short puff of breath fanned my neck and startled me. Craning to see who it was I almost fell out my chair.

"Hi Kyrie.." I whispered, giving a brief smile before returning to my studies.

"Look at you, in the library doing your nerd thing!" He teased, tugging at the end of my cardigan.

"It's not a 'nerd thing' it's called studying, you should try it sometime!"

"Hey! I study!" He pointed at his dark blue backpack. "That's actually why I'm here right now!" Kyrie started pulling out different books and a few pencils. His arms contracted with each heavy book he brought out, full lips tucked into his mouth while concentrating.

"Oh really?"

"Yup, and you're gonna help me." He smirked, moving the chair so he could plop his body right next to mine. I knew he'd come crawling to my eventually. I mean if he wanted to keep his spot on the team he needed all the help he could get. And who better to help him than his best friend?

"What if, I don't want to?" With my brow raised, I folded my arms across my chest. Tilting my head to the side I eyed him, waiting for his response.

"No choice!" He shrugged while laughing. I sighed and closed my text books so I could focus on whatever it is he needed help with.


"Good, and since you're helping me. I'm gonna make it my personal mission to get that stick out your ass and have fun." He teased, moving to pinch my cheeks.

"I have fun!" I sassed, shoving his hand away from my face. This only caused a laugh chuckle to erupt from his chest, and forced a blush to my cheeks.

"Yea, but not nearly enough as you could be!"


Last party of the semester.

Here I stood, with my back against the wall and arms folded sharp across my chest. The music was blasting and sweaty bodies crowded this entire place. It was dark as hell and I could hardly make out any of the people I came here with. Beer bottles and plastic cups littered the floor, making it even more impossible to navigate. It was the final celebration before winter break and the whole student body was in party mode.

"Why you ova here?" A male figure shouted over the loud music and placed his hand on my elbow. Immediately I jumped and ripped my limb from his grasp, ready to beat the hell out of who ever it was.

"Chill, baby it's just me." His smooth voice invaded my ears, sending chills down my spine. Calloused fingers pried and loosened my strict posture.

"You scared me half to death!"

"You're still alive aren't you?" Kyrie laughed and smiled down at me, completely melting my heart.

"But really, why are you over here all alone?"

"Cause, you know this really isn't my scene." I whined and went to fold my arms again but couldn't, he'd managed to lock our fingers together. I shuddered at the contact, here I was holding hands with Duke's star point guard Kyrie Irving.

No big deal..

"True, but you can't just stay here all night! It's the end of the semester and you deserve to have a little fun!" He swayed our arms to the beat of some popular song. I'd never heard it before but I liked the way the bass rumbled in my chest.

"Ky I don't like danc-" His brown eyes watching my lips before cutting me off.

"Yea, but let's pretend you do." And with that he pulled me off the wall and into the sea of people who were all up on each other. Kyrie wasted no time twisting me around and sliding his hands to my waist.

'We never rolled at the rink
We would just go to the rink
You ain't buy tokens no more
You just hip roll at the rink
You had a nigga, I couldn't stand him
But when they play "Take You Down", Chris Brown, I am his stand-in'

"I mean it's just dancin'. It's harmless as fuck." Kyrie sang the lyrics to the song as we swayed back and fourth. His soft lips kissed just below my ear and continued down to the start of my collar bone. I shivered, slowly rolling my hips a big harder earning a grown from him. My body was buzzing, more that usual when I'm near him. I mean we had a few classes together and Kyrie and I were friends no doubt, but this felt more intimate.

"Damn.." I whispered when the song ended. My body still pressed firmly to his. Kyrie's hands locked at my waist, as people buzzed around us.

"Didn't know you could dance."

"Yeah well.." Turning in his embrace I looked up to meet his graze. His chocolate eyes already beaming down at me. "There are a lot of things you don't know about me." I said before slipping out of his grip and returning to my dorm to pack.


Girl, this has been sitting in my drafts since last year around this time. Anyway this is shot and I'm just trying to get back into the habit of updating. UHH but the way Chance says 'It's harmless as fuck' in Juke Jam is EVERYTHING okay?

All the love


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