Matt Barnes

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Silence filled the room as Matt and I sat directly across from one another. He called and practically begged for me to meet and talk to him. After hours of being harassed, I finally gave in and told him to come to my home. The girls were at my moms, so this was the perfect opportunity for him to go unseen and not get the girls hopes up.

Matt and I use to be inseparable, doing everything together. Head over heels was an understatement when describing us, and everyone around could vouch for that. When I got pregnant he changed, the man I'd grown to love totally flipped personalities. Matt started drinking, hanging out with the boys more often, hiding his phone from me. It got so bad that when it was time for the twins to be born I didn't want anything to do with him, nor did I want his negative behavior around my babies. So we split, I took full responsibility of my girls and didn't look back.. Until today.

"Kayla baby-"

"Don't do that. Don't call me baby like you've been around for these past two years!" I spoke barely above a whisper. Turning my head to the side, I couldn't keep looking him in the eyes.

"I'm sorry, I just-I just want to say sorry. I know that I owe you way more than my shit apology and I want to try-"

"Try what Matt? What exactly do you think you can fix?"

"I wanna be here for you, for the girls.."

"Why? Why now?" I screamed, tears freely falling from my face now. I didn't think I could get through this whole thing without crying but I didn't think I'd be crying so soon.

"I miss you, and I wanna get to know my babies.." His big brown eye pleaded with me, begging for me to give in.

"You don't miss me Matt! I haven't seen you in two whole years! Two!"

"I know that but baby girl I just-"

"You're tired! Tired of running around with these young girls that only want you for your money! You want something stable, something that's always gonna be there! Right?" I was on my feet and standing right in front of him, glaring down. My heart rate was higher that it was suppose to be and I was running on the sudden burst of adrenaline pumping through my veins.

"No that's not-"

"Like hell! You don't think I saw the papers, all the different women you'd hang around? Now that you're ready to settle down and take responsibility I'm just suppose to take you back? With open legs and arms right?" I poked his head roughly and before I got the chance to do it again he caught my hand, yanking my frame down to him.

"If you'd let me fucking finish, I'd tell you that I was more than sorry and willing to do anything I can to fix our relationship. I know I messed up, I know I don't deserve anything close to your forgiveness but I'm asking you to find it in your heart to give me chance to prove it to you..." Still angry and extremely close to the man who broke my heart I closed my eyes. Silence fell over the room as I thought everything over.

"Or at least let me meet the twins, have a relationship with them? My parents told me all about them, I wanna get to know them.." He asked his voice shaking close to tears. Matt was a hot head and rarely showed emotion besides anger. So to see him in this state was crushing me.

"Matt dammit!" I shifted away from him folding my arms across my chest.



Over the next couple of months Matt kept his promise of being a better father and tried relentlessly to climb his way back into my heart. Though his attempts were good, over the two years we'd spent apart I'd built up a strong wall. Shielding my heart away from unnecessary hurt.

"And daddy took us to see the dolphins too mommy!" Maddison beamed skipping into the house. Kimberly wasn't far behind clutching the stuffed animal Matt bought her.

"That's good girls I'm glad you had fun! Why don't you both head upstairs and get ready for dinner yeah?" I asked and they smiled, eyes squinting just like their fathers. I hurried to the kitchen and prepared their meals, distressing from my day. While taking the lasagne out the oven my door bell rings and I wiped my hands on the apron I wore. Pulling the door open I was surprised to find Matt standing there.

"Umm? Yeah?"

"Maddison forgot her stuffed animal in the car, I didn't want her to miss it.." He spoke calmly eyeing me from head to toe. Each time I saw him my hard exterior cracked a little more. He was getting to me.

"Thanks." I took the plush toy from him, accidentally brushing his hand in the process. I looked him in the eye and melted, that chocolate brown burning my skin.

"I miss you.." I blurted out, not even mad I did.

"You know I miss you too." He leaned in, right thumb running over my bottom lip. He's so beautiful with his tattooed limbs.

"Do something about it" I leaned in kissing the lips I thought about nonstop for the past couple years, remembering why I fell in love with him in the first place. Inside he kicked the door closed with his foot walking up over to the couch, never breaking the kiss. My hands frantically roamed over his body, under his t-shirt.

"I love you." I said breathlessly, kissing his neck after. Matt groaned kissing just beneath my chin while sneaking his hand in my leggings. My breathing hitched when his finger touched my clit.

"Oh Matt.." I moaned while he worked his magic fingers quickly. My high approaching. I was on the edge of bliss when a little voice called out from the stairs.

"Mommy!" Matt stopped and I shot up, fixing myself.

"Yes baby?"

"Can we eat now?" Luckily the couch hid us so they girls couldn't see what was going on.

"Yea, let me fix the table." Out of breath I stood, taking Matt's hand in mine. Maybe we could work this whole family thing out.


This is for my girl contagiousvibes You were the first to request and I tried my best to write what you wanted. I hope you like this, I hope I conveyed what you wanted haha. The next few should be up soon. After I go run because I need to..

Love you guys


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