The Brothers Three

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Hello, It's me..

No but seriously, I'm back! It's been a while since i've updated this book and I always want to but finding time is hard. Just know that I've missed this and hope to be more active with these next few announcements I have to share!

1.) I know that I have a ton of unfinished imagines up here that need endings and I do plan on completing them.

2.) Writers block had been kicking my ass for a few weeks now.

3.) I'm starting a writing challenge for myself and I'll be posting all the finished imagines in this book! Most are pretty smut filled so be prepared!

4.) I changed the name of this book, I hope you guys noticed haha!

5.) Now on the to the title of this chapter 'The Bothers Three'! That is the name of a series of short stories I want to write about Hades, Zeus, and Poseidon. Each will have their own stories and will only be about 10 chapters long. I hope you guys give them a chance! That's all really!


-Rain pounds Ariana's bedroom window as lightning flashes left and right

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-Rain pounds Ariana's bedroom window as lightning flashes left and right. With a chunky wool blanket that she stole from her mother's closet tightly around her shoulders, Ari shivers when a loud clap of thunder booms in the sky.

"Holy crap.." She mumbles, tucking her legs beneath her body. Nights like this made Ari regret her decision to move from the states. Soon, another round of lightning came, knocking out the power and Ari jumps up hurrying around to find some candles. In the kitchen she flicks her wrist to light the match, bringing the small flame to the wick. The dim light flickers about, casting her shadow on the wall behind her. With a loud sigh, Ariana grips the candle in her hand and begins the short journey back to her room. Once inside she climbs into bed, setting the small glass besides her.


A few hours later Ariana wakes to the sound of her window being opened and a very large, very blonde man climbing in her room. Frightened she bolted from her bed and out the door of her home. The rain was still heavy and seemed to only get more so as she ran. Scared and soaked Ari races down the street, her rain boots slapping along the pavement. Reaching a pub, she yanks the door open and all eyes land on her. Inside she took a seat in corner, far enough away from the door to blend in with the Saturday night crowd.

"Can I get you anything?" The owner of asks with his fist clenched at his side.

"No, no thank you.." Ari whispers, clutching her damp sweater to her chest. Shrugging, the man walks away murmuring under his breath. Searching around the bar Ariana's eyes land on a clock that read 2:48 in the morning and she yawns. She's so tired. Propping her head up with her arm she glanced over to the big glass window and fear struck her just as hard as the lighting that hit when she saw him.-


-"Cassidy Mason, two time olympic gold medalist in the 4x100m medley relay, was mysteriously left outside the hospital hardly breathing

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-"Cassidy Mason, two time olympic gold medalist in the 4x100m medley relay, was mysteriously left outside the hospital hardly breathing. Our reporters were escorted off the promises but not before we were told that she would be okay.." Cassidy sighed, before changing the channel, it was like she couldn't get away from the story. She was the worlds tending topic, and wouldn't die down soon. Lifting her hand that laid flat on the hospital bed to her side, all the wires connected to her arm shifted.

"Now, sissy pooh!" A soft voice called out causing her to look towards the door. "You know you're not suppose to be moving around!" Her younger sibling scolded her, coming into the room and plopping down in one of the chairs. Rolling her eyes Cass continued to fiddle with the gown she had on, itching at the skin underneath.

"Can you help me?!" She bellowed, earning a side eye from Melody but she got and did as she was asked. Pushing the cotton material up, Mel's nimble fingers ran over the burned letters in her sister skin just below her rib cage.

"What the hell is that?" Melody asked, quickly taking her phone out and snapping a photo. With eager eyes Cassidy snatched the thing form her sisters hand and scrunched her face in confusion. It was a small brand, but the word was as clear as day.

'Poseidon' She mumbled then bit her lower lip. 

"What the hell happened to me?"


Sadness surrounded Piper as she glared down to yet another co-woker that had turned up dead in the matter of weeks

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Sadness surrounded Piper as she glared down to yet another co-woker that had turned up dead in the matter of weeks. She'd just started a new job almost four months ago and ever since she had, people just started dropping like flies. At first she thought nothing of it, people are born and they die.. That was life! But when folks started disappearing, people she talked to almost everyday, she couldn't ignore it any longer.

She was cursed.

Deciding to stay home for a week or two Piper discovered that it wasn't her who was cursed, it was that which lurked in the darkness. She'd soon learn that not every curse has a cure.


I hope these sound interesting and I hope you guys take a chance and read them. Just like all my other stories a little excerpt will be posted so you can add them to your libraries if you wish!

All the love


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