Jealous II

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Later that evening..

The room stilled as all eyes were on Stephen and I. You could hear a pen drop eight house down in this intense silence.

"Stephen, it was a one time thing." I spoke, trying my damnedest to ease the thick tension that clouded the room.

"One time thing? It shouldn't have happened!" Steph was seething, his eyes darker than usual. His fist were clenched just itching for something to hit.

"It was bound to happen eventually. What? You thought I'd stay a virgin forever?" I counter, finally finding my backbone. Shifting up to match his seated height, I met him eye to eye.

"Yea, it was gonna happen but I didn't think you were so easy! Giving your virtue away to someone who has a girlfriend?" Stephen barked.

"Okay, hold the fuck up! It was eons ago and they weren't dating then!" Defending myself, I looked over at Mackenzie so she would know I had no intention of screwing with he relationship.

"You've been keeping this from me??" He asked swinging his arm, knocking his cup off the table. Fragments of glass danced across the floor in a hurry.

"Fuck does it matter! You wouldn't have cared! All you could be concerned with at the time with Anna, plus it's my life Stephen!"

"Oh so that's what this is about! You wanted attention, and he gave it to you!" He shouted and hit a nerve. He was saying some pretty hurtful shit and tears started to build.

"You whored yourself out to Klay because you were jealous and I wouldn't give you the time of day!" Angry, I slapped the fuck out of him. Who the hell did he think he is?? This was very out of character for us. We haven't been in the bad of a fight since grade school. Stephen stalked to the door gripping the handle roughly.

"Fuck you Kayla, you to Klay! I hope he was worth our friendship." He growled before he left my place leaving the room in utter silence again. The whole thing escalated so fast that I was still shocked.

"Did that seriously just happen?"

"Kayla, I'm so sorry I didn't think he would react the way he did I-"

"It's fine Klay. No one could have known.." I reassured him giving a small sad smile. I hadn't cried yet and I was proud, usually I'd be a sobbing mess.

"So you and Klay slept together?" Selena inquired earning a slap to the thigh by Mackenzie.

Rubbing my head, "Yeah, that week after the first home game last year. I was pissed because Wardell kept breaking plans to hang out and one thing led to another." I confessed and Selena sighed.

"Look I love you guys and all, but I think I should head to bed. You're welcome to stay, blankets are in the closet." I offered up my home and left, my bed seeming like that best place to be.

The Next Day..

Angry, I was angry. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Hell, I went to sleep on the wrong side too. Walking around campus with Selena and Mackenzie wasn't helping my anger either, all the could talk about was what happened yesterday.

"So have you talked to him?" Selena asked and I swear my eyes rolled to the back of my head.

"NO! And I don't plan on it either." I snapped rubbing my tired eyes. My two closest female friends looked at me with sympathy. Even though it happened yesterday I felt like I haven't talked to Stephen in days. If we weren't fighting he would've spent the night and walked to class with me. I hated arguing with him, especially over something so dumb.

"Sorry.." Mackenzie spoke for the both of them.

"Don't apologize, just please can we talk about something other than him." Rounding the corner in route to the library, we overheard a rather loud conversation.

"Out of nowhere bruh, he sent one helluva blow to his nose. Had blood gushing from both nostrils and it looked a bit twisted." one of the guys said who I recognized as one of the bench players for our basketball team.

"I don't believe you!" His friend challenged.

"I'm tellin you I saw the whole thing. Klay walked in ready to practice then Steph just snapped and hit him." Mackenzie heard Klay's name and jumped in.

"Could you repeat that?" She pleaded gripping the boys arm with brute force. The smaller male whimpered and told her what happened.

"Where are they?" Selena asked next as I stood there taking in the information.

"Coaches office I think." Worry began to set in as we basically ran to the arena. Placing one foot in front of the other my mind raced. Why does this matter to him so much? And though I had no idea, I planned on getting to the bottom of his rash behavior.

We approached the waiting area where people would sit when they wanted to talk to a member of the athletic department. My heart was pounding, what if they get suspended from games? Or worse what if one of them is really hurt?

The door opened and out came an irritated Steph. He had a busted lip and his cheek was tented red. Welts covered his arms and sweat laced his forehead. And besides the cuts and bruises he looked so damn good. Our eyes locked and for a split second I could see everything he was feeling. Stephen was hurt, angry, remorseful, and a little bit surprised to see me. But I don't see why! Of course I'd come running if he needed me, no matter what we were going through. Moments later Klay came out and he looked even more battered than Steph. Much like the guys described he had a broken nose, bruised cheek, several cuts to his eyebrow, and swollen eyes. I couldn't believe that Stephen did this much damage to guy that had a few inches on him.

"What the fuck Wardell!" Mackenzie shouted and I put my head in my hands. "What did he do to you?" She asked going over to inspect Klay's face. Grind my teeth together I walked over to where Stephen stood and grasped his hand aggressively. I needed to get him away from everyone else so I could get to the bottom of this.


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