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"Good luck with patient 876, he's been a handful for most nurses so I don't think he will be any different for you." The head nurse informed me turning up her nose. From what I gathered when I started she's been here the longest and took pride in her work. Though I was young I could handle myself in difficult situations, that's why I took the job. And I was a damn good nurse. So for her I was seen as competition.

Her hard stare made me uneasy, more than I already was. This was my second week at Life Color, a home for the mentally insane and I was still adjusting. I applied for the position straight out of my senior year of college and waited two months for them to reply, and when they did I jumped for joy.

I smoothed my white uniform and swallow hard pass the lump in my throat. Strangled screams and sudden outburst chilled my body, sending goosebumps to my skin.

"This way.." Amanda demanded and I followed down the hallway. It had just started to rain, dark clouds adding to the already eerie atmosphere. While walking we passed doors that were bolted shut holding people captive. Every now and again loud bangs would startle me raising the hairs on my neck.

"This part of the asylum holds children, but you wont be working here so keep up." I nodded my head and tucked my hands in the pockets of my pants. Moody Manda lead me to an elevator but it looked like it was from 1959. Stepping inside the rusty doors closed with a creek but I tried to pay that no mind. During my first two weeks I only worked with people in the day room, so I didn't really get to explore the place but that didn't mean I didn't hear stories. Rumor has it some psychopath was kept here but only a few faculty members knows where. He was the sickest of the sick, so I've been told.

We rode the rickety machine to the ground floor which is what most would consider a basement.

They keep people down here?

Amanda directed me though the hardly lit corridors. It was silent down here, to silent..

"Who could be down here?" I asked with a shaky voice.

"876.." And right as she said it we approached a well protected room, more like a one Rikers prison hold. There were at least eight locks on the door along with a few chains. The jingle of keys were heard as Amanda unlocked each one slowly.

"What's he here for?" I asked another question.

"He's the one that killed his pregnant wife, parents, and best friend. No one knows why. When he got here he tired to strangle a few employees earning him a spot in solitary confinement. He's insane and has tendencies to talk to himself." She finished and my eyes widened.  "Shouldn't be a problem right? I mean you are a great nurse! That's why they hired you." My throat dried so I nodded, putting fourth my best reassuring smile.


The final locks were removed and the door opened. I peeked behind Amanda's back to see a figure huddled in the corner rocking.

"Hey!" she yelled and I shut my eyes tight, afraid that he might come charging towards us. Even if he did I was sure to push her forward and get the hell out of dodge. A few beats of silence passed but no sound was made. It was as if he didn't hear us.

"I know you heard me!" Amanda advanced forward, slightly kicking the man causing him to stir. I watched as he groaned and lifted his head from his knees. Thunder roared in the background causing me to jump out of my skin. A dark chuckle erupted soon after.

"Something funny boy?" Amanda bites just to have him laugh again. To quickly for my eyes to catch she lunghed forward and sucker punched him.

"Hey!" I jumped in before she could abuse him again, catching her arm.

"You can't just hit him when you want!" Shaking herself loose she rolled her eyes and left me alone with him. Just before she disappeared she tossed the keys. My nerves were on high alert when the patient shuffled behind me.

"Thank you.." I head him say and I nodded, turning to fully face him.

"N-No problem." I stutter out when I noticed he was standing. Even at my full height I reached his chest. Hesitantly I lifted my eyes to meet his. And though it was hard in the dull lighting I could see his brown orbs studying me.

"Are you my new nurse?" he asked timidly.

"Yes, my name is Harper." I took a step back only for him to take one forward keeping our close proximity.

"I'm Klay... Klay Thompson." I smiled. He seemed sweet but then I remembered where we were.

"Well Klay I can assure you I'm nothing like Amanda. As long as you don't try to hurt me, I-I won't hurt you." Klay nodded holding his stomach, I cringed thinking back to how she hit him.

"Are you okay?"

"I'll be fine, nothing I haven't endured before." He sat on the ground again and I followed, getting to close for comfort.

"Can I see?" He raised his tattered shirt and I grimaced. He had black and blue bruises covering his skin.

"Damn.." I sympathized and he looked at me softly.

"She does this to you often?"

"Ever chance she gets.." Kaly smiled shyly making my heart heavy. Absentmindedly I touched the battered skin and Klay grunted.

"I'm gonna help you okay?" I asked returning to the door. "I'll be right back." I told him before shutting the door. I locked it, only because wasn't entirely sure he wouldn't try to run if I didn't. Hurrying back up the stairs because I wasn't taking that elevator on my own, I reached the first floor and grabbed some ice. I spotted some bandages and grabbed those as well so I could dress his opened wounds.

Back in the basement I reopened his 'cage' and saw him poking at the sore skin and biting his lip. He didn't seem to pay me much mind so I watched him for a few seconds. Though I just met him I have a hard time believing he murdered so many, he seemed so sweet.



"Do you deserve to be here?" I asked not really thinking. Immediately he rose taking two steps before gripping my neck firmly with both massive hands. Fear struck me quickly and I dropped everything I had, including the keys. His brown eyes burning into mine as my breathing hitched.

"P-p-please don't hurt me." I begged, hot tears streaming down my eyes.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you, it's just." He paused dropping his hands to my arms, caressing the skin. The simple gesture easing my nerves slightly. "People often assume things about me and it makes me angry." he confessed and I scrunched my brows in confusion.

"What are you saying?" I timidly place my hand to his cheek.

"I didn't do what they claim, I didn't kill anyone.."


Well hello there. Don't ask me where I was going with this but I kinda like it. I just get so tired of writing about them being basketball players, so I try to change it up. Any who, I'm still working on a Mr. Postman update but that is most certainly next. Thank you for the 7,000 reads, I'm so stunned. I honestly thought no one would read this but here we are 7,000 reads and over 300 votes later. I love you all.


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