Drabble with Klay

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Professor Donald dismissed us and I packed all my books into my black book bag. The ends were frayed and most of the zippers didn't work, but I wouldn't throw it away. It was good luck! I'd never failed a test as long as I carried this thing. Call me superstitious or whatever but I'm not gonna change it. Leaving the lecture hall, I started making my way back to my dorm room. The autumn breeze pushed my thick curls in different directions and nearly knocked off my glasses. Squinting while I took them off to fix them, I didn't realize the other person in front of me and I fell. Completely face planting into the grass.

"Sorry!" I squeaked. Quickly scrambling to my feet while, placing my glasses back on. Once they were correctly arranged I took note of the male that caused my fall. Immediately I identified him as one of the spots players, I just didn't know what sport. He was tall, probably around 6'6/6'7. Broad shoulders, and a face that was hand sculpted by the gods.

"Cute glasses." I tilted my head and raised a brow. I wasn't sure if he was making fun of me or not.

"Um thanks?"

"No problem. You're Ava right?" He questioned and again I had to tilt my head a bit further. I'm sure I looked strange with my head at a total 90 degree angle. Not my fault he's a big tall monster!

"Yeah, thats me. How'd you-"

"We are in the same Abstract algebra. I guess you've never looked up from your book long enough to realize." He chuckled, earning an honest laugh from me.

"Guess not."

"I'm Klay by the way. Klay Thompson."

"Nice to meet you Klay. I'm Ava!" I stupidly said even though he clearly already knew my name. My cheeks grew hot and I felt flustered when he looked at my with the cutest grin. In the pit of my stomach I could feel the butterflies a swarm.

"Well Ava, be a bit more careful. We wouldn't want you to get hurt now would we?"

"I'l try.."

"See you tomorrow them little lady." And what that he turned on his heel and headed in the direction of the arena. That was my very first interaction with Klay Alexander Thompson.


Four Months Later..

"In any category C, an arrow f : A —> B is called a..."

"Isomorphism??" I questioned looking up at Klay. We were studying for a really important exam tomorrow and since we both didn't do well on the practice test we had been buried in books for three days straight.

"Right! Which means?"

"Means that there is an arrow g : B —> A in C such that!"

"Finially!" Klay cheered and I jumped from my seat to slap his chest. Over the past couple months I'd been given the chance to know Mr. Thompson, and the more I learned that more I liked. Though he was a big jock he took school very seriously. He has a brother and they both were smart but Klay's the bigger nerd. Shit, he's a bigger geek than I am. His mother is the sweetest and raised him with the utmost manners. He's had at lest 6 or 7 girlfriends but at the moment he's single and all the girls were falling at his feet.

"Damn! You're so aggressive Ava!" I giggled and snatched the book from his hands. It was my turn to grill him.

"Okay so lets move on to basic partitions."

"Can't we take a break!" Klay groaned falling face first into the plush sheets of my bed.

"But we've barely touched the hard topics!"

"Thats cause you spent all our time trying to remember the definition of Isomorphisms!" he laughed and so did I. I didn't know why I couldn't remember that shit but I got it now.

"Oh shut up!" I grabbed a pillow and smacked it against his back. All to quickly he turned over and gripped my wrist before I could do it again. Just like that the atmosphere changed, tension filling the room. His eyes flickered down to my lips and I did what I had been wanting to for weeks. My lips touched his softly and I felt a rush. My heart rate sky rocketed as I was running on pure adrenaline. This man had me feeling like a total badass and when he kissed me back I pushed all hesitation aside.

'All the you got, skin to skin, oh my God. Don't ya stop boy..'

This was sitting in my drafts. I'm not sure if I should do another part. Ehh, what do you think?
All the love

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