Pick Me, Choose Me

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**Bonus points of you can tell me where I got the title from lol..** 

"Pick me

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"Pick me.." Stephens honey like voice pleaded as laid on the freshly cut grass. Stephen's family estate had been manicured and polished to perfection for the summer. The Curry's always had very extravagant parties with very important guest. Everything had to be just right.

"Steph, it's not that easy.." She tried reasoning with him but it proved useless. How could she make him see that this was killing her?

"It could be. Man, Kendall you hardly know him!"

"I do know him!" She argued, sitting up so she could look at him. The hot Arizona wind whipping her hair around.

"Okay sure, you've known him three years but how does that compare to the twenty we share? How does he compare to me? To us? I know you inside and out, and if you just gave me a chance to prove to-"

"A chance? Stephen I've given you plenty of chances! More than I'd give anyone and you never cared! You never cared how I felt when you were fucking Olivia, Grace and Ayesha! You never cared when you blatantly tossed those relationships in my face, knowing how I felt about you! You never gave a damn until I started seeing Kyrie and now.. Now you think you can win me over cause we have history? Cause you're my best friend?" Her thick Barbadian accent filled his ears and shattered his heart. Stephen sat up beside her, eyes filled with remorse.


"Fuck off Steph." Kendall stood to her feet and dusted off her dress, leaving a few grounds keepers and a baffled Stephen behind.

Stephen or Kyrie?

That same question floated around Kendall's mind for months. How was she to choose between her best friend of years and the charming man who moved into the home next to hers? On one hand she had Stephen who made her feel more than special. They'd known each other their entire lives and did everything together. Stephen was the one that sat with her when she was sick and drove her to and from the removal of her wisdom teeth. Stephen was her first kiss, her first time! And even though they were all that to one another it never crossed his mind that they could be more than just friends or an occasional fling. Well, until Kyrie came around.

 Well, until Kyrie came around

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"Choose me.." Kyrie whispered in her ear as they swayed to the distant violins. He'd taken her out to dinner just before he had to jet off to London for three weeks.

"I know that you have to consider Stephen, hell he's your first love and I get that. But with me you'd never have to compete for my attention, never have to feel like second best. You'd be my priority, the center of my world. I know I've only know you three years but you're one of a kind and I'd be a fool to let you go.." His lips lingered by the lobe of her ear before pressing heated kisses to her collar bone. His arms snaking round her waist as he hugged her from behind.

"I wish I didn't have to do this."

"I know. I can see how difficult this has been on you.." Sighing the twenty three year old woman leaned her head back on his shoulder, closing her eyes.This choice had been weighing heavy on her mind, it was effecting everything she did.

Kyrie or Stephen?

Kyrie was someone she met by accident just a few short years ago. He was a breath of fresh air, something totally different than what she was use to. They liked different things had different opinions about politics, food, global warming, and how to decorate houses but that didn't change anything. It only made her fall faster, more in love with him that she already was. He was worldly, a multi billion dollar business owner that could buy anything he wanted at the drop of a hat. Kyrie had gotten to know her in ways no other man had and that scared her, made her feel vulnerable in a way.

Sighing Kendall raked a hand through her hair, she was stressed. This love triangle was making her seemingly regular life extremely complicated. It was making her residency more difficult to focus on, seeing as she was becoming the talk of the operating room. Every nurse, tech, and doctor knew of her love life cause she was all over every media outlet. Stephen being the son of Del and Sonya Curry, the best of the best lawyers in the country and Kyrie the multi billion dollar bachelor. Paparazzi harassed her relentlessly, the only time she was alone was at home.

In front of her vanity she toyed with each piece of jewelry that was given to her by the men. The bracelet. The princess cut, channel set diamond tennis bracelet that was worth more than she could fathom sat to one side, glistening against the fluorescent light bulbs. To her left sat a hand beaded african neckless that was given to her on her birthday. With the bracelet and the neckless in her hand a single tear rolled down her cheek. She knew that picking one would hurt the other and she wasn't sure she could handle that, but Kendall knew she couldn't have both. It was a debate, an ongoing argument within herself. Should she pick old or new? Adventure or status? Familiar or foreign?

Who would you pick?


On a serious note, who would you pick?? And I hope this didn't confuse anyone lol. I had a dream about this last night and had to write it down. Do you guys want a part 2??

All the love


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