N' The Ring

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At the gym, a huge black punching bag hung from a silver metal chain. To most is didn't meant much, only something used to work out with. I on the other hand, lived for this. It's the only reason I come here every day of the week. Walking up to the hanging item, my bare hands touch it and I get a giddy feeling. Looking left and right I make sure no one else is using it before I wrap up both my hands. Digging around in my bag I find my gloves, fitting them snug around my wrist.

Anger radiates off my body non-stop. Ever since I got divorced, all I've ever been is angry and bitter because he left me.

For her..

Little miss 5'6 with perfect tits! But whatever, theres nothing I can do about it now. After my divorce I had to find something to do with myself, cause sitting around moping wasn't helping one bit. I was breaking vases and lamps so often my home started to look like a junkyard. Neighbors called the police on countless occasions claiming domestic violence but it was only me in the house. It got so bad no of my friends or family wanted to deal with me, so I left. Moved 6 states over and never looked back.

Them ostracizing me only added fuel to the burning rage.

Throwing my  first right cross punch brought a tingly feeling throughout my body. Mmm that felt good. Each combination I throw I can feel some of the angry leaving my body.

"Left hook"

Right hook


Left hook


Right hook

Upper cut


Right hook

Left hook


Right hook


Left hook

Upper cut


Words of my old boxing coach played over and over in my mind, like I was standing right in front of him. When I first started this whole boxing thing I had no idea what I was doing. I figured if I was going to start this I might as well get the proper training. And Todd was a gem, total sweetheart with fists of steel. If I wasn't so mad and hurt back then I'd of probably dated him.

Breathing heavily I feel my limbs tiring out so I search for a water fountain feeling better than even. All the anger I had felt coming in here had suddenly vanished. Bending down to get some water I could feel another presence behind me but I pay no mind because It's probably another gym member waiting for me to finish.

"That was pretty impressive back there" I hear and I stand upright to see who it is.

"No wonder people are afraid of you." A tall yet bulky man confided. Okay tall was an understatement, he was skyscraper like with a beautiful light complexion. Deep brown eyes and a smile out of this world.

Who the hell is this?

A shy smile plays on my lips and I pat his shoulder and make my way back to my punching bag. Mystery man walked at my side kinda close but not close enough for it to be awkward.

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