Butterfly Ky-3

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I was sat in the dinning hall waiting for Kyrie to show up, he had texted me that he was going to be late. My stomach was growling like crazy but I didn't want to dig in without him, so here I am watching everyone else eat.

Seconds turned into minutes and minutes quickly turned into an hour. Annoyed, I took my phone out and sent him a text.


Tf are you Irving? I'm starving!

I rolled my eyes at the foolishness that is his contact, but I didn't change it. 25 minutes passed by and he still hasn't responded so, bump whatever he's doing. I'm gonna eat. I stood in line for a chicken wrap waiting for my food to be done when someone called my name.

"Katie!" I turned my head and saw one of Kyrie's teammates, Evan Dennis.

"Evan hey!" I greeted while he came to stand next to me.

"Hey no cuts!" a voice behind us shouted but we both ignored it, I was to hungry to care. As far as I was concerned that person could go to hell because I wasn't moving and Evan wasn't even eating.

"So what's up?" I asked while popping a grape in my mouth.

"Well, Kyrie got caught up with Veronica so he asked me to have lunch with you..." I could tell Evan was waiting for me to explode which I often did when Kyrie broke plans but I kept my cool and shurgged my shoulders.The line moved quickly after that and Evan and I chatted about school and the up-coming games. Soon we'd facing our biggest rivals and the whole school was gonna go all out with the preparations.

"So you're gonna be there right?" Evan asked while stealing a few more grapes off my tray.

"Of course! I wouldn't miss it for the world."

"Please, you're only going for Kyrie.." Evan blurted.

"W-what, no I like basketball!"

"That maybe true Kate but we all see how you look at him! You want him bad!"

"I do not Evan!" I whisper, trying not to create any unwanted attention.

"Fine, be in denial!" Evan sat back in his chair and chuckled, smug smile on his lips. I threw a grape at him that he easily caught in his mouth. He was sexy too, nothing like Kyrie but still sexy.

Damn these basketball players!


Evan ended up walking me back to my apartment before heading to practice, which I thought was really nice of him.

I sat on my living room on the couch alone as hell. I could do some homework but I really didn't want to. I was still a little pissed that Kyrie broke our lunch date without saying a word to me, then pawning me off to Evan. Sometimes I really don't understand that boy, but it didn't make me love him any less.

I knew it was going to be a late practice for them seeing as they had a really big game coming up. And since Kyrie was one of the key players he'd be staying late to practice extra. Making sure he had all the plays memorized, working on his jump shot, 3 pointers, even his half court shots. You never know when those might come in handy.

I went back into my room to find my slippers but they were no where to be found. I looked under the bed once more just to make but instead of finding my slippers I found a little note.

Dear Katie,

By now you are probably looking for your cute little Scooby Doo slippers, and I hate to tell you but you wont find them. I came back to your apartment after my class and hid them..

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