Mr. Postman III

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Eight days had gone by and I thought of anything I could to busy myself around 3pm. I would take the long way home, stay out longer than usual, drive to see friends. Anything!! Currently I was seated at my desk with steepled fingers, listening to a co-worker yammer on about her perfect family. Ellen often came into my office to chat about her personal life which I didn't mind, but as of late.. I just wish she'd shut the hell up!

"And little Donna was so happy we got her a puppy! She follows the thing around all day! Did you know that Mark and I are taking a trip to Spain soon? He's always wanted to take his whole family there! So sweet!!" She boasts toying with the ends of her blonde hair.

"Mhm, that's good." I retort allowing my mind to drift as she continued on about what kind of china she put in her cabinets. Though I was avoiding Stephen I couldn't get him out my mind. Why would he just leave? All I could do is rack my brain for a suitable answer, but none really fit. Maybe I forced him into- Wait, no! He leaned in to kiss me first!

Ugh that kiss!

I dream about it. Feigning to know what his lips felt like, taste like, all the places they could explore on my body...

"Kayla?" I snapped my head up, meeting the concerned gaze of my assistant Derek. To consumed in my Stephen thoughts I didn't realize Ellen left. Leaving me alone looking creepy just gaping out the window.


"I'm about to head out, do you need anything?" He asked politely pulling at the cuff links of his crisp white button up. Derek was a stout man, with blue eyes. He's been working for me for a long time now and his wife makes a mean tuna casserole. She actually gave me a run for my money.

"Nope, I'm on my way out as well." I stood pushing in my chair. Turning off the lights, my heels clicked against the hardwood leading me to my car.


Pushing my cart down the isle of my local market, I picked over different vegetables for the soup I was gonna make. Since I was only feeding myself I thought I'd make something light. While shopping I watched little girls with there mothers sorting out foods they wanted for dinner. In a way it warmed my heart but also brought a bitter feeling. During my marriage I would always hint that I wanted children, to build an actual home. But Brandon always brushed me off, saying I wasn't fit or ready to be a mother.

I came to a shelf that was a little high for normal grocery store standards. The item I needed was out of my reach, even for me. I'm above average height, so it was rare that I couldn't grasp something further back. Stretching up far I still couldn't reach the last batch of chicken broth.

Someone needs to restock these shelves cause ya girl is strugglin'.

"I could get that for you.." I turned my body and pressed my lips into a thin line. Not only was he standing here looking flawless, the man had just gotta a fresh haircut. From what I could tell.

"I'm fine!" I spat, still a little peeved he left me mid lip lock.

"It's no trouble, just let me help you" His voice! God his voice had me melting.

"Please?" He asked moving forward. Now here we are face to face in this small aisle, burning holes into each other.

"Fine Stephen." Flipping my hair over my shoulder. He lifted his arm up but while doing so his shirt rose, giving me a glimpse of his v-lines. Whining I took a step back to hold onto the cart, this man was killin me and he didn't even know it!

"Here you go.." He handed it to me and I accepted. My fingers touching the rough skin that was his hand. I placed the broth in the buggy and turned to make a quick get away. Hell in my mind, I was already to the car.

"Wait!" Stephen called and I puffed out a breath. I stopped but didn't face him, weighing out my options. I could keep going and head home or I could hear him out. Heavy foot steps were heard behind me until I felt a hand on my waist, whipping me around. His apple green eyes scanning me.

"I want coffee" he leaned down whispering in my ear.

'Yeah! And I want your head buried between my legs!!' I thought to myself, looking at him like he was half crazy. Is he confused?

"Well Steph I'm sure they have coffee here somewhere. I mean it is a grocery store..." I dryly told him.

"No, you're misunderstanding me." He pulled my body closer, wrapping both warm arms around my waist. Everything felt right about what was happening, I felt safe in his embrace. His hold was inviting, strong, and protective. Felt like, home. "I want coffee at your kitchen table, after I've explored ever fucking inch of your body.."He kissed my neck so my eyes fluttered shut.

Was this real? Did I hear him correctly?

"Do you understand?" Stephen asked brushing a calloused thumb over my bottom lip.

"Regular or Decaf?" I spoke breathlessly. This man is going to be the death of me.

The End?


So here we have it! Part three! I felt really good about this part though it was much shorter than the first two. But there is a reason. If I decided to do a next part, some real shit will go down. But that depends on the readers, if you guys want a part 4 let me know.

At least 5 votes for the next part if you want one.

On another note I feel like such a bum. I was suppose to do my hair but its still is a knotted curly mess on my head..



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