Jealous III

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"Coaches office I think." Worry began to set in as we basically ran to the arena. Placing one foot in front of the other my mind raced. Why does this matter to him so much? And though I had no idea, I planned on getting to the bottom of his rash behavior.

We approached the waiting area where people would sit when they wanted to talk to a member of the athletic department. My heart was pounding, what if they get suspended from games? Or worse what if one of them is really hurt?

The door opened and out came an irritated Steph. He had a busted lip and his cheek was tented red. Welts covered his arms and sweat laced his forehead. And besides the cuts and bruises he looked so damn good. Our eyes locked and for a split second I could see everything he was feeling. Stephen was hurt, angry, remorseful, and a little bit surprised to see me. But I don't see why! Of course I'd come running if he needed me, no matter what we were going through. Moments later Klay came out and he looked even more battered than Steph. Much like the guys described he had a broken nose, bruised cheek, several cuts to his eyebrow, and swollen eyes. I couldn't believe that Stephen did this much damage to guy that had a few inches on him.

"What the fuck Wardell!" Mackenzie shouted and I put my head in my hands. "What did he do to you?" She asked going over to inspect Klay's face. Grind my teeth together I walked over to where Stephen stood and grasped his hand aggressively. I needed to get him away from everyone else so I could get to the bottom of this.

"What's going on with you?" I asked when we were alone in one of the vacant conference rooms. Stephen glared at me but I looked pass that, trying my hardest to read him.

"Doesn't concern you!" He barked and it took everything I had not to back hand the fuck out of him.

"Bull, now tell me!" Though I was mute yesterday, today was a new day and he wasn't about to push me around. He wasn't about to shut me up.

Getting real close to my face Stephen's minty breath fanned out as he spoke. "Like I said, it doesn't concern you!" His eyes flickered to my lips then back to my eyes. If I wasn't so mad at him I'd slam my body against his but now is not the time.

"Like hell it doesn't! You can't just go around throwing punches and say nothings wrong! Klay's your best friend, what could he have done that resulted in him needed reconstruction work to his face." I push him back with all my might but he caught my arms in the process, putting them above my head.

"Oh so you stickin' up for yo lil boyfriend?" Stephen chastised but I couldn't wrap my head around anything he was saying with him being this close. My lips were inches away from his and it was extra hard to focus.

"Fuck you Wardell!" I spat trying to wiggle free but the dude is hella strong.

"You should have, we could've avoided this mess!" He mumbled almost to low for me to hear. I snapped my head up and looked at him dead on.

"What?" I asked wanting him to say it louder so I could make sure I wasn't hearing things.

"Nothing, doesn't even matter now." He let go of my arms and took a step back.

"Look come back to my place and we-"

"No Kayla, I'm not going anywhere with you. You lied to me, and fucked my best friend behind my back!" He spoke so calmly as if he had no more energy to yell.

"Stephen what does it matter? You're making it seem like you and I were dating at the time, like I'm some cheating girlfriend!" I yelp getting heated! This nigga was trying my patience.

"You're not my girlfriend but you were my best friend!" My face fell when he said 'were' is he really about to end our friendship over something that doesn't even involve him?


"Yeah, were. I don't think I can handle being your friend."

"Over something this minor?" I asked, almost begging him not to turn his back on us.


"No! What the hell? You're mad at me for something that didn't involve you, something that was my choice. When I spread my legs for Klay it was on me, I stand by it and if you can't get over it then fuck you! You're you're not gonna sit here and act butthurt over something I decided to do, it's my life and if you don't wanna be in it then FINE!" I screamed and pushed him aside, going to the door.


"Bye!" I said without looking back. Tears clouded my eyes but it wasn't about to cry over him, not this time.

This is short but I needed to post something. I have 8 incomplete little drafts that I want to update but I have to find time to write them haha. Anywho I hope you guys liked this.

All the love

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