Fucked up

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You Made Your Bed- Travis Garland

'You fucked up, don't you know it, babe? When you wake up, you'll still see my face. I'm so happy you're through with me. 'Cause when you break up you know someone's gonna feel the pain.'

Kyrie POV

Alcohol had become my best friend since I lost her. Taking shot after shot my head started to spin, but I welcomed it. The slow burn of the brown liquid brought visions of her and I needed it to keep me sane. One year, one whole year since I'd seen her face. Sitting here alone in my home I lay awake thinking back to happier times. My hand roamed over to the side of the bed that once occupied her small frame, I clutched the sheets. I've replayed the scene in my head over and over again, and each time I did it hurts worse.

Opening the door to my shared home I smell the faint scent of smoke. Worried I hurry to the kitchen to find what looked like dinner singed, even the tray. I turned off the oven to search for my wife, it's unlike her to be so forgetful.

In the bedroom she sat clenching out wedding photo in her frail fingers. Upon closer inspection I could see the glass was broken and her thumb was bleeding. Instantly I was by her side, prying her small digits from the frame.

"Baby what's wrong?" I question carrying her body to the bathroom. The room was a mess covered in unfolded clothes and shards of glass. I hadn't noticed before but it looked like a violent storm blew through here. Setting her on the skin I gathered the first aid kit to tend to her cut. Hissing slightly when the peroxide hit her wound she kicked my shin. Thinking nothing of it I continue to help her, wrapping a bandaid around it. Tears started to fall from her eyes rapidly, faster than my hands could catch.

"It's just a small cut babe, you're gonna be okay." I tell her but when she started sobbing I knew this couldn't be just because of a cut.

"W-Why?" She asked her shoulders bouncing with such force.

"Why what Liv?" I asked lifting her chin so I could look at her. My beautiful girl.

"Why would you do this to me? Have I not been good to you?" She screamed snatching her face from my hold.


"Sydney Perkins! Did you not think I would find out?" My eyes bulged and my palms got moist. Sydney was a drunken mistake, a lapse in judgement. Olivia and I had gotten into it over something so silly and I wanted to clear my head. I went out to the pub downtown and had a few drinks. Before I knew it I was dragged back to her place and slept with her. But how could she have found out?

"Baby I-I didn't mean-"

"Didn't mean for it to happen or for me to find out?" She swiped her injured hand across her wet cheeks, sniffling. I tried to reach out, comfort her but she wasn't having any of that. With all her might she shoved me away and went back to the room, grabbing an already packed bag.

Fear gripped my heart, she was leaving me!

I leaped in front of our bedroom door so I could prevent her from going anywhere. I loved this girl, I'll be dammed if I let her leave over a drunken misunderstanding I didn't even know.

"Livie wait, just let me explain..."

"Explain what Kyrie? How you slipped up? How you didn't mean it? How you'll spend the rest of your days making it up to me? I don't want that! I've given you to many chances already and they've blow up in my face! So many people warned me about you, telling me you had a hard time with being faithful but I didn't listen! I gave you my heart but its clear you don't want that! So I'm out!" She yelled poking my chest. Tears threaten to spill but I wasn't gonna let her see how weak I was becoming. How much I really needed her.

"You sure you wanna do that?" I asked still keeping my pride. She chuckled using her right hand to pull of her wedding ring, tossing it in the mess of clothes.

"Positive baby." Moving from the door to get the small item I let her escape. The front door slammed and my heart broke all at once. Holding the ring in my hands I sighed, letting the tears fall. She's really gone.

I closed my eyes when I hear the door open. Sydney was home. She came in the bedroom that once held so many good memories only to be replaced with meaningless sex and arguments.

"Hey baby boy." I cringed at the pet name Sydney has for me. Everything about her made me cringe. "Hi." Crawling on the bed she pulled me over so I lay on my back. She kissed my cheek and continued to trail kisses down to my navel. Syd stopped when she reached the start of my boxers. Visions of Olivia popped in my head and I groaned. This often happened when things get intimate between Sydney and I.

I couldn't get Liv out my mind.

"You want me to keep going daddy?" She asked and I saw Liv when I looked down at her. Liv was batting her eyelashes innocently up at me and I smiled.

'Oh you know you bad. Probably think I want you back now. And every time that she lay you down. Try to keep my name from comin' out your mouth. It's hard when I'm the only thing you think about.'

"Of course I do baby." I caressed her cheek but immediately I could tell they difference. Liv's face was round and hugged my hand a certain way. Sydney continued, pulling my boxers down and taking me whole. She sucked me hard, stroking the part she couldn't fit. I felt myself getting ready to cum so I peeled my eyes open to see Liv's sweet face again.

"Liv baby I love you." I grunted as I spilled into her mouth.

"Liv?" She questioned, hurt filling her eyes.

"Yeah, Liv..."

Standing from her knees Sydney came and smacked the fuck out of me but I took it. She couldn't make me feel any worse that I already did.

'You made your bed. Go right ahead and lay in it. Visions of me be filling up your head. What you wanted, oh, my dear, what you thought you wanted. You made your bed so lay in it.'


Okay so the song is out of order and I did it that way on purpose! Poor Kyrie.. I enjoyed writing this I'm not sure why but I did. Mostly cause I love the song.


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