Chapter 31

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Sam rushes to close the door and locks it. She then runs to her office and picks up the radio. 'This is Director Voight. What is going on?' She radio through.

'Shooters have come in. We've lost visual.' One agent replies.

'Lock down the building. No in, no one out, until I say so.' She tells them. She then changes her radio frequency to the 911 control room. 'Control. This is FBI Director Voight. We have active shooters at the field office. Send all possible units!'

'Are you in a safe place?


Meanwhile at district 21, Hank gets word about the situation. He grabs his coat and walks out of his office. 'Let's go. There's some active shooters at the FBI office.' He tells them.

'Is Sam there?' Erin asks worried.

'I don't know. I'm going to call her once we get there.' Hank replies. 

As soon as intelligence arrive, Hank calls Sam.

Up in the office, Sam's phone rings. She sees that the caller ID is 'Dad' and she answers it. 'Hey dad. I'm fine, I'm locked in my office. Doors are bullet proof and steel.'

'Is anyone with you?

'Andrew.' Sam sighs.

'Halstead is with me. Witnesses saw the faces of three of the shooters.

'Right.' Sam says as she sits down at her desk and brings up the database. 'Hit me.' 

'One is 5ft three. Brown hair. Blue eyes. Has a dragon tattoo on his neck.' Jay informs her as she inputs the details.

'Are you sure?' Sam asks as records pop up on the screen.

'Yeah, why?' Jay asks confused. 

'His name is Jackson Young. He's supposed to be dead.'

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