Chapter 29- I'll Love You No Mater What

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Loren stands there straing at Eddie lying there in confusion. Loren breaks down and cries at what Eddie just said, "Who are you?".

Loren: You have to be kidding me?! You don't know who I am?!

Eddie: I'm sorry, I've never seen you before in my life.

Loren walks over to the door and opens it crying about to run out.

Eddie: LOREN! Stop! I was just kidding!

Loren: *lightly punches Eddie in the shoulder* Don't joke like that! If you forgot who I was, I'd never know what to do! I love you too much to lose you. *she smiles with left over tears still in her eyes.*

Eddie: *holds his arms up and out waiting for Loren to hug him* Hey, I'm never going to leave you. *Loren sits on the hospital bed next to Eddie and laid in his arms.* And if I ever forgot about you, I promise, I would eventually remember you. *he says smiling and then kisses Loren's forehead*

Loren: So what happened to you? Are you going to be okay? *she says sitting up and turns to look at Eddie*

Eddie: I had surgery and I had staples put into my head because the glass really cut through the skin on my head. And I had stitches on my back and one stitch on my stomach and a couple on my leg. Otherwise, when they heal, I'll be fine. What about you? Are you okay?

Loren: I have some stitches on the palms of my hands *she says holding up her hands, showing Eddie* And my legs *she says trying to hold back the tiny moans everytime she lifted her keg higher to put on the bed to show Eddie.*

When Loren put her legs on the bed, while sitting next to Eddie, she and Eddie looked down at her legs and seen that everywhere that there was a set of stitches, there was blood surrounding the area. All her stitches have bled open except one.

Eddie: You have to get them looked at again before you get an infection.

Loren: I will. In the morning. Right now, I just want to lay here with you. Plus, I don't think the doctors and nurses are too pleased with me.

Eddie: What do you mean?

Loren: Well, the nurses and doctors who kept coming in my room wouldn't tell me anything about you everytime I asked. They just ignored me and told me they couldn't tell me anything yet. So when the last nurse said goodnight and turned out the lights in my room, I got up and went looking for you.

Eddie: Loren! That was so stupid to do! Now look what happened, your bleeding because you were walking too much and made the stitches rip out a little.

Loren: I don't care and I didn't care. I just wanted to find you no matter what it would take. Even if I were to bleed to death on the cold hospital floor.

Eddie: You are so dedicated. I understand that. But if I were to find out you died looking for me, I'd be heart broken.

Loren: It doesn't matter anymore. All that matters is that I found you.

Eddie: I love you *he says smiling looking into Loren's eyes*

Loren: *kisses him* I love you more! *she giggles*

Eddie: You're on! *he says laughing and pulls Loren closer to him and passionatly kisses her*

Loren: Okay you win *she says smiling* For now... *she says under her breath*

Eddie: What was that??!!! *he says sounding suspicious*

Loren and Eddie's lips meet once again as they make out slowly. Eddie stops and then kisses her forehead and lays back on his hospital bed while Loren still sits there waiting for more smiling. Loren opens her one eye and sees Eddie laughing at her. She giggles as well and he kisses her again.

Eddie: Babe, why did you ever leave me?

Loren: Because you were yelling at me and I got scared. I never had a guy yell at me before. Ever since my dad left, I've been scared easily of guys.

Eddie: *Wraps his muscular arms around her and pulls her close.* You and I know I never tried to yell at you. And I honestly didn't like what I've done. I'm so sorry. I honestly am.

Loren: Okay. *she pauses* I forgive you. I'm sorry for leaving to. If I wouldn't have left, this wouldn't have happened this way.

Eddie: It acttually was probably good that you left. Otherwise she would've hurt us both and no one could've called the police and an ambulance. You're my hero Loren Tate! *he says smiling in a low voice*

Loren: You're my superman. And I'll love you no matter what. Through it all. *she smiles with a tear rolling down her cheek*

Eddie: Right back at you beautiful. *he says caressing her cheek*

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