Chapter 5- She's back! >:S

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Loren stares straight ahead to the other side of the stage and sees someone she thought they were escorted out a while ago. How did they get back up to the stage? Did the security ever actually find them? Standing there with their arms crossed with the most devious smirk on her face. Chloe. When Loren sees Chloe she automatically knows that she's in trouble. The lights go dark on the stage so Loren can get out to the microphone for her introduction song, "Dreams". Loren walks over to the glowing "X" on the ground that marks where she's supposed to be. At this point, Loren can't even see her hand in front of her face. Loren stands on the "X" and grabs the mic. on the stand and stands there listening to the intro. music to her song before the spotlight comes on to show Loren standing in darkness except for the single spot light on her. But as the band starts playing her intro. music, Loren is pushed down, almost falling off the stage.  As she was pushed down, she let out a scream in fear. Loren knows immediately it's Chloe. Kelly and everyone backstage hear her scream and so does at least the audience in the front closest to the stage hear the scream. Kelly runs over to the stage crew manager to tell him to quickly shut the curtains and turn the lights on. And to give the audience a 15 minute intermission. Melissa is the first one to look over on the stage to see Loren half hanging off the stage still lying there possibly hurt. Mel yells.

Melissa: "Loren!"

Eddie and everyone run to Loren. Eddie runs ahead of everyone to get to Loren first. Eddie turns Loren over to her back to see if she's okay.

Eddie: Loren! Are you okay?!!! *he says with a lot of worry in his voice*

Loren: *finally speaks* I was pushed down as soon as I got to the "X" on the floor, by Chloe too!

Max: I'll go get some ice.

Nora: But sweety, are you okay though?!

Loren: I'm fine mom, it just really shocked me.

Eddie: Should I tell the host that you won't be performing or...

Loren: *cuts Eddie's sentence off* Guys! I'm fine! I just need someone to go get Chloe before she tries something else. I think she was trying to actually push me fully off the stage so I would get hurt and wouldn't be able to perform.

Kelly runs to get security. The security starts setting out immediately outside and inside the building looking all over for Chloe. Loren stands up and walks over to the, "X" to try the performance once more but tweaked it a little. Now instead of it being pitch dark, Loren decided to tell the stage crew that she wants the spotlight turn on her immediately in complete darkness but still have the front of her body completely dark so all you see is the shape of Loren and the microphone. She used this idea from one of Eddie's first concerts he's ever played that she thought was pretty cool since it's making everyone focus on what they came for... a real star that they can look up to. Just like Eddie was for Loren and many other girls. Everyone is seated once again. The host walks up onto the stage once again in front of the closed curtain.

Host: Now let's try this again....! Here's what you've all been waiting for..... *he pauses for a dramatic effect* Loren Tate!!!!!!!

The lights turn off everywhere in the theater and once again is pitch dark. The host walks off the stage as the curtain opens in the dark. The intro. music starts. Not a second later, the single spot light turns on and is shining on Loren.


Eddie: *Whispers to Nora* I'm so proud of her! *he says with a big smile on his face and with his arms crossed*

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