Chapter 14- 354 Stairs

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The boat sounds it's loud, short, alarm that tells it's passangers that the boat has arrived to it's destentation.... Liberty Island. Eddie releases his arms from around Loren's waist as they stood there in silence just looking out into the bay as the boat sailed forwards. Eddie grabs Loren's hand and they walk off the boat. One of the workers that help people unload stops each passanger before they step off the boat.

Worker: *says to Loren and Eddie* Boat leaves at 2. Be back here at least 5 minutes before then.

Eddie gives him a nod and then continues to walk off the boat with Loren.

Eddie: So what should we do first?

Loren: You know what? Let's just get the climbing over with!

Eddie: *Gives Loren a frightened look* Oh no....

Loren: *grabs Eddie's hand* Come on wuss! *she laughs*

Eddie: *pretends to try and struggle away from Loren so he can run away.*  NO! NO! NO! I DON'T WANNA!

Loren: *keeps laughing hysterically as Eddie acts as if he were a 6 year old throwing a temper tantrum.* Stop it! You're causing a scene! *she says not being able to even catch her breath because she is laughing so hard.*

Loren finally gets Eddie to chill out. They walk and walk until they find the ticket booth to purchase tickets to be able to enter the Statue of Liberty. They get the tickets and then proceed to the staue, they hand their tickets to the lady working there who sits on a stool in the entry way of the statue. The nice, young woman, takes Eddie and Loren's tickets and then Loren and Eddie finally start walking up the stairs. They run out of breath quickly.

Eddie: *huffing and puffing* what part are we climbing up to?

Loren: Depends on how much you want your present later! *she turns around and winks at him and gives him a naughty smile.*

They both stop. Eddie looking up at Loren who is a couple steps ahead of him. He becomes silent... then he randomly starts frantically climbing the stairs all the way to the torch! He looks behind him at Loren out of breath and looking exsahausted.

Eddie: Are you all right my princess who just made me climb her tower?!!! *he says also out of breath but still determined to get his "present" ;)*

Loren: I'm good... I just need something to drink!

Eddie: How about a smoothie?

Loren: Sounds great! But where?

Eddie: We can take the elevator down! *he says laughing*

Loren: There's a fricken elevator and you didn't tell me!??!!! *she says in an annoyed tone of voice*

Eddie: I needed to earn my present!

Loren: Don't worry you did... but now that I find out there's an elevator and you knew all this time! You're not getting it!

Eddie: What??!!!!!!! *he says yelling but yet still very disappointed*

Eddie leans over to Loren and kisses her cheek and tells her he's sorry. She forgives him but doesn't bring up the present idea again. Which makes Eddie wonder. The two take some pictures of the view with their phones and camera, then they head down the elevator. They arrive at the bottom of the statue which only took 2 minutes by elevator to get to the bottom compared to about a 30 minute climb! They find a small park food stand that sells all kinds of food and drinks. Loren orders a strawberry smoothie and Eddie gets a strawberry- banana smoothie. They find a place in the peacful, small park to sit and enjoy their refreshing smoothies they both earned after the remarkable climb. After they finish their smoothie they get some soveniers in the Statue of Liberty gift shop for Melissa, Nora, Max, Kelly, and Jake. And of course something for themseles including a adorable necklace that comes in a package of 2 necklaces. One necklace has, "Loren" engraved in silver on a heart shaped, blackish, grey dog tag, specially made for guys, and Loren got a silver heart neclace that said, "Eddie" on it that was attatched to a silver, delicate chain. They walk to another near by park bench and put on eachother and then share a loving kiss. They sit on the bench listening to the waves, holding hands, and just enjoying their wonderful, last day in New York with eachother.

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