Chapter 7- Planning

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Loren, Eddie, Max, and Nora all sit and keep staring at the TV waiting and listening to the reporter from Hollywood Access talking about Loren's performance that night. The reporter says, "What happened to Loren Tate?" and then goes to commercial. (The program will answer the question when it comes back on). Loren turns around while sitting in between Eddie's legs on his bed and looks at him.

Loren: You don't think they'll say something bad about me do you?

Eddie: Why would they? You didn't do anything wrong.

Nora: Even though they usually twist the truth abut stars, I don't see anything they can say about you. You were pushed. That's it.

Loren: But they don't know that if I still didn't even explain what happened.

Eddie: Well we'll just see what they say when they come back. They might just say, "Who knows what happened!"

Loren: You're right.

The show comes back on and Max shushes (shhh) everyone.

Hollywood Access Reporter: (On the TV) Welcome back to Hollywood Access where we left off at the question, "What happened to Loren Tate right before her performance at the concert in NYC tonight?" Well here's what a audience member had to say about the scream that is believed to be from Ms. Tate.

Audience Member: (On the TV) I was getting my camera ready to take a picture of Loren when the lights turned on and while the lights were still turned off, and everyone was chanting her name, I heard a scream coming from the stage and then a thud. I wasn't sure if it was from backstage or if it was Loren.

The reporter in the news room stops the tape there and then says her dramatic input about the situation.

Reporter: So was the soon to be, "pop princess" a little drunk perhaps? Or was it just someone backstage? I don't know but when we find out we will tell you immediately. Tune in tomorrow evening to find out what really happened right staright from Loren Tate. Thank you for tuning in! I'm....

Max turns off the TV before the reporter could finish. And then the room is silent. Loren then turns around into Eddie and hugs him and starts crying on his chest. Nora stares at Loren with a heart broken look on her face for her daughter.

Loren:  I wasn't drunk! *she cries*

Eddie: We all know that. Sometimes people are just such a loser that they feel like they have to ruin another person's life just so they can have a stoy to tell.

Nora: And plus they said they're doing an interview with you to find out what actually happened tomorrow.

Loren: I wonder if Kelly knows about this yet.

Max: She probably does. I bet she's scheduling that interview right at this moment so everything can clear up for you before it's too late to fix everything.

Eddie: Just make sure you say the right things that can't be twisted into more lies.

Loren: you're right.

Eddie: How about we all just go to sleep and we'll see tomorrow how things will work out for you. okay babe?

Loren: Yea. Night. *Loren gets up from the bed and turns around, leans down and kisses Eddie good night and gives him a hug.*

Nora: Eddie's right sweetie. Why don't you head on over to bed. I'll be in soon.

Loren: okay mom. Good night everyone.

Loren walks out oof the Duran bedroom and goes back to her and Nora's bedroom to finally end the rough, eventful day. Mean while, Nora, Max, and Eddie, remain in the Duran bedroom to discuss tomorrow.

Eddie: So you guys know everything about the plan for tomorrow right?

Max: Yes. Me and Nora are leaving right now to get on our flight back to LA that takes off in 30 minutes, and you and Loren are going to stay here in New York City for 3 days and come back home on the fourth day to go to our beach bungalow.

Eddie: How do you know I was going to take her there?

Max: It was natural to think that you probably didn't want to have your days off with her to come to end that quick once you left New York.

Nora: I just feel really bad now that we're leaving her here and she's really stressed about this whole drunk on stage gossip.

Eddie: Well she's not alone! She has me! Once Kelly calls her tomorrow morning and tells her when her interview is planned, she'll calm down. Especially after the interview. Then our vacation can actually begin.

Nora: You're right. I guess we better get going then.

Nora and Max get their bags together and then head out the door. Once the door shuts behind them and they've all said their goodbyes, Eddie sighs in happiness and the thought that he's officially alone with Loren. He can't wait to wake up and tell her the surprise the next morning. He tries to think of a romantic way of telling her the great news that they're alone on vacation together finally. So he plans and then does. He walks into Loren's room and......

(to be continued...)

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