Thirty One

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We're all trying not to freak out, honestly. Lauren making those pancakes appear was rather weird, but I don't think anything will be normal ever again. I haven't had a dream, luckily, because they scare me. I'm never in them, and they don't feel like dreams. I guess I should just ignore them, but it's hard when they actually scare me half to death.

We're all sitting around, doing nothing. There's obviously nothing to do, we're in some kind of shadow world. We've gone exploring, and it's just a complete copy of Hawkins, but dark and gross. We decided to stay near where we showed up, though, just in case new girls show up. Lucy is the newest addition, and I have a weird feeling it won't end with her.

It was then that I heard voices echoing, and everyone else started looking around. I heard my name, but it obviously wasn't from inside this place. We started hearing all of our names, and it didn't take long for Olivia to yell back. We got no response, so we all just looked around in confusion.

"They can't hear us?" Adrianna spoke up, and I shrugged.

"Guess not," I shook my head, and we all just kinda ignored it. We can't do anything, so we just sat and listened to people call for us. It got us down, honestly, hearing them yell for us and not being able to yell back.

It wasn't long before I started to get kind of dizzy, and I felt insanely tired. I laid down, seeing if that would help, and ended up passing out.


It seemed like I was myself this time, I wasn't hearing anyone's thoughts but my own. I sat up slowly, and immediately noticed an extra person. I freaked out, waking Emma up, panicking like crazy.

"Emma! There's someone else!" I yelled frantically, causing everyone else to wake up, as well. We all walked toward her, and I sort of recognized her from school. She has blonde, straight hair and pale skin. She was asleep, still knocked out.

It wasn't too long before she started to stir, and we all waited patiently while she slowly woke up. She opened her eyes and immediately started to freak out, standing up quickly.

"Hey, it's ok, we won't harm you. We'll explain everything the best we can, and you'll be ok," Emma spoke up, trying to calm the girl down. It didn't work at first, but she slowly calmed down with Emma's assuring words. Once she was calm, we all sat down again slowly.

"What's your name, then?" I asked, because it was killing me. I recognize her, I just can't figure out what her name is. She sighed slowly, obviously still freaked out.




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