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Sneaking out of school shouldn't be so easy. Will and I just snuck out, completely unnoticed. Well, someone will realize quickly, but we weren't caught. Not even when getting in my car. Will glanced at his bike, and I promised to bring it home later. He nodded, telling me to hurry.

Mike was keeping something from Nancy, and I don't really blame him. Nancy is great, but she likes to jump into whatever instinct solution she has. If he told her, she'd immediately tell someone else. He was right to keep it from her, in a small way. That kind of help wouldn't do anything but make Mike worse. He'd hide his feelings from people for the rest of his life.

He told his friends, though, which is expected. They have lots of codes and laws when it comes to secrets. They can't tell adults unless the other persons life is in danger. In this case, it may be, so Will had every right to come and get me. Plus, I know what to do in this situation.

Will has been freaking out this entire time, which is sad to see. Will in general is sad to see nowadays. He likes Mike more than he'll admit, and I know Mike doesn't feel the same. It's obvious, considering how he feels about Eleven. Even if Mike happened to like boys somehow, it would never happen. I don't want to see Will go through that kind of pain, but I really can't do anything about it.

We arrived quickly, his house isn't far from school at all. The second we were there, Will was out of the car and sprinting to the door. I hurried to catch up, and he was at the door in seconds. He turned the handle and pushed, expecting it to be locked, but it swung open. We glanced at each other before I motioned for him to step in. He did, but we were both moving slower now. I pushed the door shut quietly, locking it on instinct.

I turned around to see Will creeping up the stairs, his eyes holding so much fear and sadness. I know what he's thinking, we're both thinking it. But we need to be sure before we freak out.

Will reached the top first, and I saw his body physically relax a small bit. He's not in the bathroom, at least. That's a good sign, definitely. Will creeped towards Mike's door, and I kept my distance. He was moving so slow until he reached the door. He pushed it open quickly, not hesitating.

Mike was there, he looked up at us with a shocked expression and tears rolling down his cheeks. I quickly noticed the bandages that were wrapped around his thighs, but then he covered them with a blanket.

"Mike, I thought something bad was gonna happen," Will seemed to sob out, his emotions finally catching up to him. He walked quickly up to Mike, basically forcing him to stand up. I watched with troubled eyes as Will hugged him tight, and only felt more sad when Mike hugged back. They held each other tight, and a small part of me was convinced that it meant as much to Mike as it does to Will. The rest of me knows better than to think that.

"I'm sorry, Will, for everything," Mike apologized, but Will only hugged him tighter. I didn't know what to do, I felt like I need to separate them. To spare Will his feelings, to make sure he feels the least amount of pain possible.

But I didn't, I let them hug. And I let them both smile like they were the happiest people on earth, because I just couldn't bring myself to stop them.

I was subconsciously hoping Mike would develop feelings if I just let Will go for it.

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