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You guys know what the italics mean(;

That POV though


He ran to the door as soon as they pulled up, and he knocked like crazy. The older one eventually showed up, and he couldn't find a way to get in. The younger one started to panic, he's panicking.

It didn't take the younger one long to freak out completely and lose it, and he quickly found a heavy rock and started to break the doorknob. The older one didn't try to stop him, he just looked at him with sad, sympathetic eyes.

They got inside and the smaller one quickly stuttered for a minute on his feet, not sure where to go. I watched as they both sprinted up the stairs, and I saw the bathroom door was closed. The light was on, as well, and I was suddenly in the body of the small one. I could feel everything he felt, and hear every thought he had. The air in the room was thick. It smelled almost like metal, and the boy's brain slowly started shutting down.

He tried to open the bathroom door, banging on it loudly. Whoever was inside obviously wasn't answering, and the boy's thoughts were 'Why would he?'

The older one (who I now know as Jonathan, thanks to the boy's thoughts) took his place, working on breaking the door down. Seeing from the boy's eyes, they welled with tears as Jonathan banged against the door repeatedly, his face contorted in pain. He tried again, and again, and again. He couldn't break it.

The younger boy's brain was close to empty by now, but he didn't hesitate in kicking really hard right next to the doorknob. Jonathan joined in, and it eventually cracked. One more kick and the door was open, and the boy's brain was dull.

His thoughts weren't there, nothing was there. Nothing but a boy with dark hair, and blood. Nothing.

I say nothing because the boy in the bathroom has become...nothing. He's gone, he's dead.

The boy sat down in the pool of blood, I felt it soak into his shoes. He started adding his tears to the liquid, and he had a small smile.

'He looks so peaceful.' Is what the boy thought.

He grabbed his hand, holding it tight. He didn't let go, he just held it and smiled.

'He's gone, but at least he's happy.' More thoughts flowed.

The cuts that littered the dead boy's arms and legs were still dripping, but the boy I was seeing as did nothing to stop it. He just let it drip onto his pants, and he listened to the sound of it colliding with the rest of the blood pool. He thought the sound was soothing.

He closed his eyes, then, so I couldn't see, but I felt him squeezing the boy's hand tighter.

'He's happy, at least. Sure, I'm not, but he is. That's all I've ever wanted in life, I just wanted to make Mike happy.' These thoughts made me sad, but the next two broke me.

'I love him, I'd do anything for him.'

'Even let him go, if he so wishes.'


I sat up quickly, and I was myself.

I'm still in this place, and it's still dark and gross. But this dream was weird, it didn't feel like a dream.

I couldn't sleep for a long time, I just looked around at all the other girls sitting around me.

I thought about Jonathan, and the boy I was seeing as. I thought about the dead boy, Mike, and my thoughts soon gave me a large realization.

I know these boys, they go to my school.

Is Mike really dead?

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