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Jonathan left class, and he never came back. The lady that brought Will down came back in, asking if Jonathan ever came back. The teacher obviously said no, and they went on a small hunt for them. They obviously left, so I assume something is wrong. I'll have to call him later, when I get home.

Being alone during the day sucked, but I dealt with it. Jonathan wouldn't skip for no reason, that's not like him. And Will came to the school by himself, so something is obviously very wrong. I've never seen Will with such scared eyes, he looked close to tears. Seeing Will's face is enough proof for me, they had a valid reason to leave without telling anyone.

Steve isn't ignoring me, but he's not talking to me. I'm still mad at him, yeah, but he's being childish. Maybe Jonathan is right, maybe Steve isn't as great as he's acted. I thought he changed from his old ways, but it's clear that he hasn't. And that was only more clear when I walked into the cafeteria after getting my food, spotting him from across the room. Sitting with Tommy H. and Carol.

I sighed, immediately finding an empty table and avoiding looking at that side of the room. I know they'll spot me, and I know they'll make fun of me. It's not like I care, unless they say stuff to my face. If someone wants to talk behind my back, they can. If they say it to my face, it's going to affect me and make me feel down. They'll know it's getting to me and continue to do it. I'm not in the mood to deal with that today.

I sat down slowly, I could feel many eyes on me. I wish Jonathan was here, we could sit together and talk about anything and everything. He's so much fun to be around, and he never fails to make me happy. I'd be in a bad place without him, since I lost Barb. I'm still sad over her sometimes, and he does everything he can to help me. It's great having him, really, and I wish he was here right now.

I was deep in thought when a hand slammed down heavily onto the table. I jumped, looking to the side and seeing a very muscular arm. I knew who it was instantly, and my heartbeat sped up.

"Sitting alone? That's no good," he spoke in a deep, velvety voice. I looked up at him, and his smile was anything but adorable.

"My friend is out, so I have no one to sit with," I confessed, then questioned why I told him. He's a stranger, I shouldn't tell him what's going on with me.

"Well, I don't have anywhere to sit, either. It's your lucky day, sweetheart." He smirked, noiselessly pulling his chair out and sitting down. He sat low down on the chair, and his legs were open wide. I didn't know whether to find it weird or comforting. He's obviously quite comfortable. "Nancy, right? You're in my calculus class. I'm Billy." I won't get over his voice.

"Nice, and you just moved here?" I asked nicely, making friendly conversation. I looked at him again as I started picking at my food. I don't want to eat with him here, his looks are making me self-conscious.

"Yeah, almost two weeks ago. I didn't come in until now, my parents needed help around the house," he spoke with a slightly darker tone, causing me to look away. I have a bad feeling about him, which is exactly why I couldn't stop talking to him.


edit, 6-15-19: Nancy is a fat mood

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