Forty Six

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So short. So boring. I'm so sorry.


I drove slowly this time, my mind in overdrive. Dead? But she was bleeding in the woods recently? I don't understand, none of this makes sense.

I'm really wondering what to do. I know I should tell the kids, but Mike wouldn't take that well. He isn't taking anything well lately. After what happened a few days ago, I'm not sure I should talk to him about it.

I was about to hurry home when I spotted Mike, actually, leaving the woods. My eyes widened as I rolled to a stop. Is he alone? Then I saw the others following him, and calmed down a bit. He was walking about ten feet ahead, his head hanging low. He glanced over at me, then did a double take. He turned to look at my car, his face worried. He walked up the car, and I slowly rolled down my window.

"It was her, wasn't it? Did you find anything else?" he immediately asked, and I almost just drove away. How do I explain this to him?

"Um, no. I went to Hawkins Lab, though, just in case. I talked to the new owner and...well, she said El was there," I spoke slowly, and he cut in.

"Was? Where is she now?" That's when the rest of the boys arrived, looking at us expectantly. I sighed deeply.

"Well, uh, she said El is dead," I basically whispered my words out, and I visually witnessed the life drain from Mike's eyes. I've never seen that happen, and I'm praying to God I never see it again. "I don't think it's true," I added on, hoping it would help. He looked no different, still just as empty. Void of life.

I was about to speak up again when a soft voice came from the side of the road, behind Mike.

"Mike, what're you thinking?" He didn't move, but everyone else turned to look at Max. She looked scared, but also kind of zoned out. "What'd he say?" she asked, walking over to Mike. Mike shook his head, and I watched in astonishment as she progressively looked angrier. "Dead? What is that bullshit?" she spit out, then turned to me. I don't think I've felt fear while staring into a child's eyes. Not until now.

"I was told Eleven is dead-"

"You believe everything you hear, Chief? And you told him? Eleven isn't dead, that's messed up," she yelled in my direction, and I got my bearings back just a bit.

"How do you know this?" I asked, and she glared up at me.

"I just do. Next time someone tells you something like that, don't go and tell the person it will affect most. Especially not now," she ordered, and I furrowed my eyebrows as she slowly pushed him away from the car, and everyone else looked just as confused.

"Do you know what's going on?" I asked, and the three boys shook their heads before turning around and following Max and Mike down the road.

Eleven isn't dead? Am I supposed to believe Max over the owner of Hawkins Lab?


This entire chapter was shit and really boring, I'm sorry. My writer's block is at an unreal level.

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