Sixty One

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I maneuvered around the small kitchen, trying to cook quickly. I'm running late, but I need to feed Lucas before I go. He doesn't know how to work the kitchen yet and I can't let him starve. Or get hurt while trying not to.

Luckily, I finished in time, putting the eggs and sausage onto a plate and putting it on the counter just as Lucas entered the room. He looked at the plate, then at me.

"You didn't have to do that," is all he said, and I shook my head.

"Didn't have a choice, I'm your guardian now. I have to take care of you, make sure you're fed. At least until you can go home," I explained, and I saw him tense.

"Am I going home?" he asked slowly, and I looked up at him when I heard his tone. He was looking at me with a kind of shy expression, which is something I don't see from Lucas often.

"Most likely, why do you sound so scared? It'll be once they go through classes, and we'll ease you into it. We won't just dump you off suddenly, we'll make sure you're ok there," I explained as thoroughly as possible, but he still looked uncomfortable. "What is it?"

"Well...there's something I haven't told anyone yet, I didn't have time," he started, and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Didn't have time?"

"It happened the night you called and made arrangements with my dad, it was right after that. I didn't have time, you picked me up the next morning," he explained, and I only nodded, telling him to tell me now. " only happened that one time, which is why it freaked me out so much. Can I...can I just show you?"

My heart dropped, my mouth went dry, my eyes widened slightly. But I still found myself nodding, and watching him pull the shoulder of his shirt down a bit. There was a bruise, it was big and a deep purple. I almost couldn't move, I didn't know what to do.

"Your dad did that?" I whispered, and he nodded.

"My mom just stood there like a bitch," he mumbled, then looked up at me and pulled his shirt over it again. "Sorry,"

I started glancing around, my heart racing.

"Uh, I'm late. I promise we'll talk later," I breathed out, feeling like shit. He needs me and I can't be here for him right now, I'm already twenty minutes late. I walked up to him and was about to pat his shoulder, but remembered and awkwardly pulled my hand away. I silently cursed myself, rushing forward and picking up my hat before leaving my small home.


I was sitting in my chair, writing on a paper, when my office door swung open. In walked the four boys, making me sit up straighter. My eyes lingered on Lucas a bit longer, the bruise still on my mind.

"What's going on?" I asked, knowing just from Dustin's face that he had something to say.

"Max has been gone for a week, there's something going on," he insisted, and I nodded slowly.

"I can't do anything about it, Mrs. Reid called the school and said she's keeping her home now like all of the other girls," I explained, but Dustin wasn't having it. He opened his mouth to reply when the door burst open once again, startling us all. My eyes snapped up and landed on a short blonde girl. She's covered in dirt and her nose is bloody.

"Jennifer?" Will spoke loudly, and my eyes widened significantly. He's right, that's Jennifer, one of the girls.

"Chief, I got out. Help, they need help," she choked out, coughing on her words. She looked ready to pass out, so I pulled my lunch bag out from my drawer and immediately lead everyone outside. I basically pushed everyone into the car and had her tell me where to go.

"Here, help her eat and drink," I ordered, throwing my bag back and watching Mike catch it. He opened it and pulled it all out, helping her with everything.

We pulled up to the side of the woods, and a bad feeling settled in the pit of my stomach.


Ha I hate myself bye enjoy this or whatever

edit, 6-26-19: ^hA mood

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