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Will and Jonathan arrived at a really convenient time...I was just about to get up and hurt myself again. I'm not sure what I would've done, or how much, but I know it would've been bad. I wasn't in a good mind state at all, I was convincing myself of some pretty dark stuff. And untrue stuff.

Jonathan left, but Will asked to stay. We hung out and watched movies all day, which was awesome. He made me a warm drink, as well, which might've been the highlight of my day. Looking back on it, it was a really good day.

"What do you mean you don't think Princess Leia is pretty? Everyone has a crush on her," I spoke in a shocked voice, and Will shrugged with a small smile.

"She just isn't pretty to me! I'm not sure why, I don't control that," he laughed, looking at my figurine of her. I shrugged.

"I guess that makes sense. You like girls with blonde hair, right?" I teased, and he rolled his eyes.

"I don't care about hair color. I actually really like dark brown hair." He smiled a bit, glancing at me briefly.

"Well, fair enough. I like brown hair, too."

We talked for hours about pointless stuff like that. He did leave eventually, obviously, and it sucked. I haven't hung out with him like that before, we're always with the other guys. I need to do that more often.

It's the next day, and I'm not really ready to see Max, but I can't avoid it. We have school, and Lucas radioed me to say he had something to tell us. I couldn't stay home, even if I really wanted to. But I don't. Will saving me and pulling me out of those dark thoughts has kind of...snapped me back into reality. I'm ready to go out there, find those girls and find El. I'm finally ready.

I wrapped a new bandage around both of my thighs, Jonathan showed me how to properly clean and bandage them. I wanted to ask how he knew, but I decided it probably wasn't the best idea. I might ask Will someday.

I heard people coming up the stairs and rushed to put my pants on, just in case. I know no one will just walk in, no one does in the morning, but I like to be safe. Getting caught would basically end my life, I wouldn't have one anymore. My mom wouldn't let me do anything ever again.

I went downstairs, and my mom smiled at me with tired eyes. I smiled back, walking straight to the garage door. She stopped me, though.

"No food? No coat?" She asked weakly, and I frowned. I turned to look at her, once again feeling guilty.

"I'll take something to eat, just...make it small, I need to adjust," I spoke quietly, and she nodded sadly. She went to get me something while I went to the front door, finding my heavy jacket. It's really cold out, but sometimes I like the cold. It helps me feel real and reminds me that I'm still here, and I still have a life to live. Similar to pain, but less harmful.

I pulled my coat on, going back to see that my mom got me a granola bar. I smiled a bit, taking it and promising to eat it.

"You better not be lying, Mike," she sighed out, and I looked at her with a pained expression.

"I promised, mom. I don't break my promises."

I rode to school quickly, we've stopped meeting up. There's no reason to ride all the way to Will's house, then back again. I only did that so I could pick up El. Now that she's gone, I'd rather just meet up at school.

When I arrived at school, it was still easy to spot everyone. The way the sun bounces off of Max's hair is impossible to miss, it shines so bright. Everyone was there before me, considering my mom made me a bit later than usual. I pulled the granola bar out, eating it slowly as I approached the group.

"Hey, Mike!" Will cheered as I approached and I only waved, giving a small smile. Everyone else smiled at me, especially when they saw me eating.

"I'm glad you're here, I wanna propose an idea to you guys," Lucas immediately spoke out, and I waved for him to continue. "Well, I went and talked to Chief Hopper yesterday. We're making a plan to save the missing girls, and I want you guys to help."

"Done, of course I'll help." I nodded, taking another bite of my granola bar. He looked nervous, I'm not sure why. Did he think I'd say no?

"Yeah, same, I'll join in. We need to save them, the Upside Down is not a nice place." Will shook his head, and I frowned a bit at him.

"Well, now I have to say yes. We do need to get them out, who knows what would happen if we don't," Dustin agreed, still sounding a small bit hesitant. I looked at Max slowly, and she was frowning.

"I can't, my parents would never let me. They don't mind me coming to school, but I can't wander around." She shook her head, looking genuinely disappointed. I still don't understand how she knew about me, but I guess she did just say that to make sure I'm ok. She might not be as bad as everyone thinks.

"That's fine, I understand why they'd be paranoid about that. Only girls are being taken." Will nodded, and we all agreed.

"Great, we start today." Lucas nodded, then the bell rang.

Things are about to get interesting, I can tell.


Heyo I love how indecisive Mike is over Max lol
And I think the granola bar was a great addition, if I do say so myself.

edit 6-20-19: Omg the granola bar is making me cry. I need to start using mikesgranolabars again♥️

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