Fifty Eight

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I know it's hard to read some of those, it was difficult to fit them all in and I wanted Mike to be the main focus. All the pictures were different sizes and basically I'm just shit at editing. Let me know if you can't read one of them and I'll reply with what it says(:

I'm sorry this is SO. LATE. but my stepdad is a dick and he shut the wifi off, meaning I couldn't use my computer. I had to write on my phone, which I'm awful at.
It's late and I'm tired. I don't have the energy to proof read, I'm sorry. If there are mistakes, please ignore. Thank you, I love you all so much♥️


I woke up to the sound of the front door closing, and I woke up rather quickly. I sat up, looking over at Lucas as he sat up straighter. My mom walked into the room, already looking at me with panicked eyes. She probably saw our shoes and coats.

"Mike? Why are you home?" she asked slowly, and Lucas spoke up for me.

"Mike was having a really hard time in class, and Principal Coleman knows what he's gone through, so he just let me bring him home." Lucas gave a smile, and it wasn't convincing to me, but it would be to an adult. Especially my mom, she's a bit oblivious to things.

"Ok, and where's his bike?" she asked next, making Lucas glance at me with nervous eyes. He forgot about the bike.

"Mom, I was just feeling really weak and wasn't stable to ride. I rode with him," I spoke up, my voice gravelly from the yelling, crying, and sleeping all mixed together. She noticed, nodding slowly. "I think I'm weak from little food, can you make me something?" I asked, just wanting to get her to leave. She nodded quickly, hurrying into the kitchen. I sighed, and so did Lucas. He looked over at me, and we made brief eye contact.

"You aren't hungry, are you?" he asked, his tone low and knowing. I shook my head, looking at my lap.

"I do it for her, and for Nancy. I never feel like eating, but I do. Just because I'm in pain doesn't mean I can put other people through pain. It hurts them to see me like this, which is why I try to be better around them," I rambled, cutting myself off when I realized how much I was talking. I looked back over at him, and he was giving me a small smile.

"I guess that's another thing we have in common. We'd rather suffer in silence than burden others," Lucas spoke quietly, and I immediately looked at him in shock.

"What? Are you ok?" I rushed out, and he chuckled a bit.

"I'm perfect in comparison. We'll talk later, when we're more alone," he whispered as my mom walked back into the room. My food was ready, so I went into the kitchen and forced it down. After that, my mom allowed us to watch TV in the living room for a while.

It didn't feel like long before Nancy got home, meaning school is out. We sat for a few minutes more, but heard loud knocks on the door. I thought about not answering it, but decided it was best. So, I stood up and turned the TV off, then Lucas and I went to open the door. I swung it open, and was met with an angry Will, and an annoyed Dustin.

"I finally convinced him to just stop being a pussy and come over," Dustin mumbled while walking into my house, and Will rolled his eyes, but followed along. He passed by me and I looked down at him with a bit of a nervous expression. I don't know what's going on anymore, he just makes me feel...light. And airy.

"Uh, yeah, come in," I gave a witty remark like I used to, and everyone got a smile for a brief second. We haven't all hung out at my house in a long, long time, so this feels weird. But nonetheless, I lead everyone into my basement. It looked the same as always, but with a few blood stains and no tent. My mom made me take down El's tent, considering all the blood that was in it. She didn't make me get rid of our Snowball picture, thankfully. I put it back in my room.

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