Twenty Seven

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I don't know how long it's been, I don't know how much more I can take. It's dark, cold, and I'm hungry. I'm kind of tired of going to the bathroom in a bucket, as well. I wish I had a toilet, and a shower. Blankets, some food.

I swear nothing is louder than the sound of the cell door scraping against the ground. It bothers me whenever it happens, and that's only been once. Well, twice now, because it just opened.

"You go by El, right?" a quiet, soft voice spoke up, and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Yes," I answered simply, and I heard more noise.

"There aren't cameras in here, I'm gonna leave you a bag of food and drinks. Are you still in your dance dress?" the voice spoke out, and I heard her walking towards me. She set the bag down in front of me, I heard the bag crinkling.

"Yes," I whispered again, and she started walking away again.

"I'll get you some warmer clothes," she spoke simply, and I heard the door close again. I reached forward, slowly grabbing the bag. I felt lots of things, but mostly mini bags of food. I smiled a bit, very thankful for whoever this is. I found bottles, too. I'm not sure what's in them yet, but I honestly can't wait to figure it out. I opened one slowly, and took a small sip. I frowned a bit when I realized how familiar it was. Grape juice?

I shook it off when the door started to open again, making me screw the lid back on quickly. She walked forward and set the clothes in my lap, and they were heavy. I stood up, starting to change. I honestly don't care if she's in the room, I've learned not to argue with anyone. Plus, I can't see her so I don't think she can see me.

The clothes I put on were warm and fuzzy, heating me up almost right away. I thanked her quietly, sitting back on my bed. I reached around blindly, finding my juice again. I took more drinks, and I never heard her leave.

"I'm sorry, El," she spoke again, her voice now quiet and full of pain. "I want to help more than this, I want to let you go. I can't, we need you," she whispered, and I was about to ask what she meant, but the door closed. I just sat there, thinking.

They need me? For what? More blood?

I ate and drank slowly, still thinking. I started crying, as well, and I'm not sure why. I can't be here for much longer.

Is Mike even looking for me?

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