Thirty Five

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(Jealous of my earrings?😂)
Merry Christmas, everyone!🎄♥️
I made this chapter really long(4,627 words), because I know some of you couldn't get home to your families, or you don't want to be with your families. If that's the case, spend some time here! With the characters, and with me. This is officially your family for the day, including me😊 Message me if you need anything.
There's so much I could say, but I won't keep you away from the chapter any longer.
Enjoy, everyone! And have a very Merry Christmas♥️❄️

(Some of this sounds too sophisticated to be El, but bear with me. She's the hardest POV to write.)

My food has been gone for a long time, and I'm getting hungry again. I'm starting to feel numb again.

I was beginning to sink back into a deep hole when I heard the cell door start to open. This can mean one of many things, and I'm praying it's a good thing.

"El, you awake?" the same voice from before asked, her voice sounding more frail and weak than before.


"I brought you more food. Uh, you like Eggos, right? Isn't that your favorite?" she asked, and my stomach clenched a bit.

"Yes, I like Eggos." I nodded, even though I'm sure she can't see me well enough to know.

She walked towards me, it sounded like, and placed another bag in front of me. I reached around for it, and soon felt the familiar plastic bag. I opened it, and I immediately found something warm. I pulled the Eggos out, slowly unwrapping them. I ate them, and it was the best thing I've had in a long time. The most comforting thing, too, it reminds me of Mike.

"There's more drinks, as well, but I thought you'd like something warm. I went to a café and got you some hot chocolate, if you want it," I put my Eggo down, squinting into the darkness.

"Yes, please." I nodded again, but stopped myself halfway through. That's a bad habit I have.

She approached me, and I held my hands out kind of blindly. It was a process, that's for sure. I held my hands out, and it wasn't long before I felt her hand touching mine. She then handed me a warm cup, holding my hands there for a second to make sure I don't drop it. I eventually had the cup fully, and I loved how warm it was. I was really careful with the first sip, but it was the perfect temperature, so I could drink it immediately.

"Why don't my powers work?" I asked when I heard her walking away, and her footsteps stopped right away. She didn't answer at first, I think she was trying to figure out how to say it.

"They don't work here, I can't explain how. I don't even know how. They just don't," she answered finally, and I decided not to push that subject anymore.

"Can I ask one more thing?" I asked quietly, and she gave me an even quieter yes. "Do you talk to Mike?" It was even more silent after that one. It must've been minutes before she answered.

"Kind of," was her only answer, and I sighed.

"Is he ok? Is he even looking for me?" I whispered, my voice shaking like it does when I cry. I don't want to cry, I don't have the energy.

"He's not looking yet, no. He isn't ok, either, but he's getting better. You're all he thinks about, if that makes you feel better. He's coming for you, El, just not yet."



I arrived to school fairly early today, and I quickly noticed how Steve's car wasn't in it's regular place. It wasn't there at all, now that I think about it. I was going to confront him about Troy, but I guess that's a no-go.

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