Twenty Six

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Chapter dedicated to my misunderstood smol😌🖤

edit, 6-20-19: Omg I totally forgot that Troy is a bigger character in this book. I lowkey love him uwu


I just got out of class, I'm putting my books in my locker. I don't have homework, which is some kind of miracle. It was then that Steve showed up, talking to me like nothing was wrong and we were never fighting. I guess that is easier, neither of us were too nice.

"Have anything going on?" he asked nonchalantly, and I shook my head. "Wanna go get something to eat? I'm starving." he offered, and I agreed with a smile. We started to walk to his car, and he kept talking about who knows what. I looked forward, and my eyebrows furrowed.

"Who's that?" I asked slowly, eyeing the boy that was sitting on the hood of his car. He looked nervous, and we made eye contact. Steve looked forward, then walked forward a bit faster. The boy got a scared face as he climbed off the car and stood rigid. I rushed to catch up, not sure what's going on.

"I'm sorry, I know you said not to come to your school," the boy spoke frantically, making my face contort even more.

"Steve, who is this?" I walked up, and the boy looked up at me with nervous eyes. Steve sighed, shifting on his feet.

"Nancy, this is Troy. He's brother. What are you doing here?" Steve turned back to the boy, Troy, and his reaction wasn't nice. I really don't know what's going on, but this boy looks terrified.

"I didn't want to go home alone. Mom isn't home, it's just dad," Troy muttered out, and Steve rubbed his face angrily.

"Steve, go on home. We can eat a different day," I spoke up, and he looked at me slowly.

"I don't want to go home, just go home by yourself," he ordered in Troy's direction, and even I flinched a bit.

"Steve, your brother is scared, and you're making it worse. What's your problem?" I rushed out in an angry tone, but he ignored me.

"Get in, go," he demanded, pushing Troy's shoulder roughly. Steve walked to his side of the car, and Troy started to rush to the passengers side. I stopped him, looking into his frantic eyes.

"What's going on? I want to help you, I'm worried," I spoke quickly and quietly, but he just shook his head.

"I said get in!" Steve snapped, making Troy jump and leave me to run to the car. He climbed in, and I immediately saw Steve start talking loudly. I stood up straight, watching as his car backed up and sped out of the parking lot. This can't be good.


Troy.(Get excite it's my smol)

"What were you thinking? I make an effort to make sure no one knows we're related, and you do that? Now Nancy knows about you." My brother was fuming, and I decided staying silent was best. "Don't talk to her, either, that will not end well for you," he threatened, making me look out the window.

Steve can be nice, it's just kind of rare. He's mostly nice whenever my parents are fighting, I think he wants to distract me a bit. It works sometimes, but most of the time I just sit and listen to them yelling at each other. It keeps me up at night, but I can't do much.

We rode in silence, and we were home fairly quickly. I climbed out slowly and he stopped me.

"I'm not staying here, learn to put up with him," he spoke up, and I was about to argue when he leaned across the seats, pulling the passengers side door closed. He sped away, leaving me there. A small part of me wanted to cry, but I won't. I'm not a baby, I can handle it.

I walked to the door and unlocked it slowly, pushing on it with force. The door finally opened, and I was feeling nervous as all get out. I walked inside, taking my shoes off and putting them in the closet. I put my coat in, too, and started to make my way to the staircase.

"Why are you home so late? Out with one of your boyfriends?" I heard my dad's voice from behind me. He was sitting on one of the couches, reading the newspaper.

"I don't like boys, Dad," I mumbled out, continuing to walk towards the stairs. He seems to think I have a thing for boys, which I don't. I've never liked boys, only girls. I'm not sure what makes him think I like boys, but he does and he always has. It actually makes me really sad, he won't just hear me out. He makes fun of me and picks on me constantly.

That's where I get it from, sadly. I feel so much pain and anger, I just take it out on Will, Mike, Lucas, and Dustin. They don't deserve it, I know, I just can't help it. My dad calls me mean names and accuses me of being queer, so I just call Will the same names. My dad thinks I'm dating him, he makes fun of both of us.

I honestly hate that I make fun of people and that I'm so mean, it makes people hate me. I don't want to be hated, and I don't hate anyone else. I just can't help it, I want others to feel the pain that I feel. I know I shouldn't, and I know that I should just ask someone for help. But my mom says it's fine, and that everything will end up ok. She's the only one that doesn't call me gay, which is nice. She listens to me, and she always believes me. Most of the time, actually, not always.

One thing that still haunts me, to this day, is watching Mike step off that cliff. When I was doing that, I did not expect him to actually jump. No sane person would! Does he have some sort of death wish or something? I wasn't actually going to cut Dustin's teeth out, either, that was just me talking shit. It haunts me, I can't sleep sometimes because I just imagine what would have happened if that girl hadn't shown up. She still freaks me out, but I haven't seen her recently.

My life isn't that bad, I just...I'm still drowning in it. Looks like I'll never stop.


He's going to be in the story a lot more, just saying

Ok I know he probably isn't like this in the show, but I like to believe he is. No action or insult is spontaneous, there's always something that causes it.
Troy is one of my favorite characters, he fascinates me so much. I wanted to make a chapter on him😊🖤

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