Twenty Eight

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I had another dream. I can't remember it much, I just know it involved Mike, Will, and the new girl, Max.

I remembered it perfectly when I woke up, but then I got a terrible headache. It went on for a few minutes, then left. The headache was gone, and so was the dream. I'm not sure what happened, but I got this weird feeling that it wasn't just forgotten. I think it was, like...sent to someone else?

I'm sounding insane now. They're just dreams, and I'm just a normal girl. I don't have any sort of power, it doesn't work like that. I'm simply a girl that was put into a very bad situation.

"Erin? How're you doing?" Emma asked me, and I just shrugged at her. She's the oldest of all of us, she's fifteen. Adrianna and Lauren are both fourteen. I'm the only thirteen year old, everyone else is younger. Olivia is ten. Sadly, Lucy is seven. She isn't taking this well at all, not that any of us are. I can't imagine how scared she is.

"I'm fine, Emma, check on Olivia and Lucy. They need the checkups," I spoke slowly, and she looked at me with hesitant eyes. She walked over and sat down in front of me, making me sit up straighter.

"Doesn't mean we can dismiss your feelings. Have you had another dream?" She whispered to me, and I nodded slowly.

"I did, but I can't remember it anymore." I then shook my head instead, looking down at my hands. "Emma, I feel like something weird is going on," I whispered, then heard someone start screaming. Emma and I both jumped up immediately, running in the direction of it.

Nothing bad has happened yet. Nothing bad except more girls showing up. If something bad is happening right now, I think that's when I'll admit defeat.

We got there and Lauren was freaking out. Adrianna and Olivia were trying to comfort her, but I don't think it's working. Emma stepped in, trying to calm her down. It worked better with Emma, she's just a really comforting person.

"Lauren, talk to me. What happened?" Emma soothed, and Lauren started shaking her head, tears still rolling down her face. She pointed to the ground next to me, and I looked down on instinct. My eyes widened, and I bent down, slowly picking up the small plate.

"Are these pancakes?" I asked slowly, and we all looked at the plate with furrowed eyebrows.

"Where'd the pancakes come from?" Olivia chimed in, walking up to me and picking up one of them. She bit into it, and shrugged. "It's just a pancake."

We all kept looking at them, before Emma turned back to Lauren.

"Lauren, listen, just calm down. What happened?"

"I don't know! I was just sitting here, thinking about how I really wanted pancakes. Then my head started to hurt, and I just...made them appear. I don't know what happened, I don't know!" She was freaking out, and my eyes widened. She made pancakes appear out of nowhere?

I looked back down at the pancakes, picking up the one Olivia bit into and slowly took a bite of my own. We all sat down, splitting the two pancakes into six pieces.

We just went with it, because nothing is normal anymore. I don't think anything ever will be.


This chapter is very interesting and I had so much fun writing it.
There's a small detail(that I don't even mention) that is very important. Not sure anyone will get it(;
Hope everyone enjoyed! Sorry to dump five more characters on you like this!😂🖤

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