Twenty Nine

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I left my house slowly, and quickly climbed into Nancy's car. She glanced at me before starting the car and pulling out of the driveway. We drove down the road a bit, and Lucas was waiting there with his backpack of 'necessities.' We then picked up Dustin, and started to drive to the woods. It wasn't far, we got there fast. I saw Jonathan's car, along with the Chief's. Everyone is here.

We started walking further into the trees, and Nancy ended up walking ahead of us. It was silent, but Dustin eventually spoke up.

"Lucas, I don't get it. Why are you so urgent about this?" He asked, sounding more curious than anything. Lucas sighed, looking around a bit. He then looked at us, and spoke lowly.

"Look, I always watched her get bullied. I never stepped in before, I never saved her," he started, pausing for a second. He sighed once more, then started talking again. "If you had one shot, or one opportunity, to help just once. One moment, after all these years. Would you capture it, or just let it slip?"
(A/N: Hehehe)

I didn't really know what to say, because he has a point. If I got that one opportunity to help El, I would take it. I haven't in the past, and it's about time I start.

"Guys, catch up!" Nancy yelled from ahead, and we all glanced at each other before running forward. We arrived in a small clearing, and everyone was there. I'm not sure what we're doing, but I guess I'm willing to do it. I don't want any other girls being taken, and this is the only way to make sure.

We walked over and sat in the grass where Will was, not wasting any time. One thing I've learned from working with the Chief is that he doesn't put up with much. No arguing over irrelevant things, no getting distracted. It's exhausting, yes, but necessary.

"Ok, you know the drill. Stay within twenty feet of the group, we can't have anyone getting lost. If you see something, don't touch it. Call me over," the Chief ordered, and we all nodded. We then set out into the trees, looking for clues. I don't think we'll find anything, but we should still look. Never know what could happen.

I followed along, reaching into my coat pocket and pulling out the folded sheet of paper. We all did, actually. I'm not sure why, but we have a list of the girls that were taken. We can call, they won't call back.

It wasn't long before Nancy approached me, making me hang back with her. I looked at her, waiting for her to say something.

"Do you know a boy named Troy?" she asked quietly, and I looked at her with furrowed eyebrows.

"Uh, yeah...why?" I asked slowly, and she sighed, getting even quieter.

"I think something is going on. Like, at his home. Steve isn't nice to him, and I think their dad is even worse. I want to help," she told me quietly, and my face only contorted more. Troy? The same Troy I know?

"Ok, then help. I'm sorry, I'm not helping, I can't." I shook my head, and she looked at me like I was crazy. "Nancy, he's...Troy is my bully, I can't help him," I admitted quietly, and she looked at me with wide eyes.

"Mike!" she suddenly yelled, and everyone turned to look at us.

"Not now, ok? Look around, you could've missed something already," Chief Hopper ordered, and we both nodded vaguely. We continued to look around in silence, and it wasn't long before Lucas was calling everyone over somewhere. We ran over, and he was looking at something on the ground. "What is it?"

"It's blood, on a leaf. It's dry by now, but it's definitely blood," he answered simply, and the Chief bent down to take a look. He picked it up and put it in a small plastic bag, then told us to keep looking.

How is blood on a leaf gonna help us? Shouldn't we just actively try to get to the girls?


Shitty ending. I don't really like this chapter.

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