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Another long chapter!
Mike and Lucas are friendship goals tbh


I looked up at the sky as thick snow fell, covering my clothes and stinging my face. I could already feel my hair getting wet, but I didn't care.

The snow isn't as cold as most people think, it actually feels quite nice to lay in. Especially when you just threw up all of your breakfast and feel like you could again. I won't, there's nothing in my stomach to throw up. There won't be for a long, long time. Hopefully.

The sun is almost completely out by now, so I'll probably go inside soon. I'm really not sure why I like the dark so much, I used to hate it. Most kids do, though.

I was actually starting to get a bit cold when I was scared half to death.

"Mike?" A familiar voice called out, and I scrambled to stand up. I looked over at her piercing blue eyes, and they just looked confused.

"What're you doing here?" I rushed out, and she climbed off her bike, pulling her red hair through her fingers so it laid perfectly on her shoulders. I squinted at her as she walked closer, her skin glowing under the still-rising sun.

"You weren't answering your radio, we all agreed to come over and see what was up." She shrugged, giving me a pretty smile. "They should be here any minute."

I nodded, not taking my eyes off of her. She shifted uncomfortably, so I started glancing around at insignificant things. A tree, my mailbox, the wreath in the window that I broke then glued back together. Anywhere but at her.

"Why were you laying in the snow? You're soaked." She stepped towards me, touching my shirt randomly. I jumped, looking at her with wide eyes. "Mike, I'm not gonna hurt you. Take my coat, you'll be warmer," she offered, but I shook my head.

"I'm fine, I'm not cold," I rushed out, and she frowned a bit. It went silent again, and I felt weird. Why'd she just touch me like that?

"Hey guys!" A lisped voice called out, and I turned to see Dustin, Lucas, and Will rolling up my driveway. Thank god.

"Mike, why are you soaked? Are you ok?" Will immediately asked, and I nodded.

"Yeah, I just needed to cool off, so I laid in the snow." I nodded some more, and he frowned a bit. He took his coat off and gave it to me, which I didn't need, but I put on anyway, even if it's too small. Just to spite Max, honestly.

His coat was warm, it felt nice. I didn't realize I was cold until I felt how warm it was.

"Why did you need to cool off? Are you sure you're good, man? You're pale as a ghost," Lucas commented, and I shrugged.

"I threw up, but I'm fine. My body just didn't take my food too well, must've been something I ate," I lied easily, I've been doing it so often lately. The food did bother me, but not for the reason they think.

"You should get inside and lay down," Will insisted, leading the way. I know he's just cold and wants to get inside, it's pretty obvious. We all followed along, and it wasn't until now that I realized every single one of them has a backpack on. I decided not to question it, at least not yet.

We got inside and my mom greeted everyone kindly. She gave me that 'is this a good idea while you're sick' look, but I ignored it. I just led them downstairs, where I immediately laid down on the couch. I was still wet, and it was uncomfortable, but it's not like I can change with Max here. And I'm just too lazy to go to the bathroom.

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